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Apr 2021

I can't give you any critique/advice since I'm not an artist, but as a viewer, I really like the drawing. I think it's up to webtoon standard. Maybe the background is not too cartoonish (?) and the colour need to be more vivid. Nice art :blush:

At a glance, looks pretty good and very clean, nice work!

The only thing that really stands out to me is the girl's face, which looks a little goofy to me. i think there are two factors at play:

1.) I think the facial features are squished together too much vertically. The mouth is too close to the eyes because the nose is seemingly missing (and the mouth was moved up to compensate?). Really, the top lip would start at a similar position as the male's closed smile, and the bottom would move downwards with the jaw following, with the nose in the same place as noses typically go.

2.) The perspective on her facial features don't follow the perspective of the face. Besides being too high on the face, the mouth looks about right, but the eyes should rotate to the right some so that they're actually on the front of the face. Currently the one closer to the camera is actually where her cheek would be. This is actually the case with the man as well, but it's less apparent I think, since everything else is in the right place (nose, mouth).

Overall it's pretty good though! The level of polish with the coloring is really nice, and the things I mentioned above are technical nit picks that the average reader won't notice or linger on too much.

It looks good to me!
If I were going to make any changes, I would turn up the contrast levels and make the reflections pop a little more since it looks a bit dim to me. I think they're suppose to be out at night, but more highlights and reflection will help the characters stand out more from the muted background.
I also appreciate the android camera interface. Android users REPRESENT :joy:

Yeah, it look good to me.
Of course, if you want you can add some final filters or adjustment layers, just to give it a tweek.
I don't know if this is allowed, but I downloaded it and made an example of what can it be done -if you want me to delete it, just tell me and I will edit out the image. Anyway, take a look at this image

Its the same one that you presented, but I used an old trick. I duplicate twice the image. The one on the middle I applied some gaussian blur, and changed the opacity to 'overlap'; the one on top I just change the opacity to 'lighten', and voila! There are a lot of tricks that can be done, and not only on photoshop, if you don't use that program. Try to search some tutorials for 'easy filter tricks' or something like that, to give your work an edge.
*disclaimer: I have an spanish version of photoshop, so I named the filters how I remembered they were called in english, I am sorry if you can't find them!