1 / 16
Mar 2023

it was too plain, i put creamer in it and sugar, and now i'm tired, irate it 6/10

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    Mar '23
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That's ok, if you're trying coffee for the first time then it's more of a journey to find the perfect measurements for yourself.

For example...
I use instant cappuccino (4 tea spoons), sugar (3 tea spoons), a bit of water to mix it up, 4 ice cubs, then a tea spoon of cinnamon, and half a tea spoon of dark cocoa. Finally, filling my mug with milk, whiska bit so everything gets incorporated and done (o´▽`o)

I usually have this mostly to start my day comfy, but to be honest coffee doesn't wake me up neither makes me sleepy, but it does help me to focus and not drink it in one go.
According to some friends who have ADHD, coffee makes them sleepy because it works as some kind of self-medication to regulate adenosine in the brain. I don't know much about it but I recall a friend explaining that to me, I think there are more detailed experiences or explanations tho!

Hahaha you did better than I did, I've never managed to develop a taste for coffee; it just tastes bitter to me (I like the smell though). I don't even like coffee flavoured cake or chocolate. I've ended up just sticking with tea my whole adult life so far. :sweat_02:

Your first coffee ever should be iced with plenty of sugar

but I pretty much only drink hot coffee now.

I used to love the smell, but hated the taste. I worked at convenient store and filled coffee pots every morning. I kept trying it because I though it smelled amazing and I was like “maybe I like coffee”. I didn’t. I hated coffee until I was a senior in college. I was pulling all nighters several days in a row to get my homework and art projects done so I finally started drinking coffee to get through those nights. The first one I mixed with hot chocolate packets, sugar, literally whatever sweet thing I found in the pantry. Couldn’t even taste the coffee. Kept needing it though, so I kept drinking it (without the coco packets) then one day it just clicked and I realized I liked the taste. Now I love coffee, probably a little too much.

Don't destroy me here, coffee lovers :joy:
The only caffeinated drink I like is Latte Machiato. I literally hate the smell of coffee...
I love tea though, any is fine... I drink about 1,5l of that every day lol

Ha ha, nothing wrong with that! Took me a LONG time to like coffee. I usually feel like if you have to acquire the taste of something, then it’s not really worth it. I needed the coffee though. If tea is doing it for you just fine, then that’s great! :slight_smile:

It took me going to one of those classy joints to have my eyes opened (hehehe) to how good of a drink it can be.

It can also be dreadful but it always makes me poo. Which is a gift you should never sneer at.

Different types of coffee will have different tastes plus there are variations on how they are prepared.

I like the iced coffee from McDonalds. If you like sweets, you should try the Frappe. Starbucks has the Frappuccino which also hides the coffee flavor.

I never liked straight coffee, still don't after trying over the years. What I DO love is a good latte. Espresso ≠ coffee. Tried milk coffee as well, still cant. But I do drink a nespresso-made latte every afternoon, varying up which pods I use and which flavoring syrups to accent it with.

Creamer and sugar is a mistake.

Black or with milk.

Coffee addict since 35 years


You ain’t missing much. Coffee isn’t even all that. Coffee is to tea what beer is to soda: it’s an acquired taste. Depends on the season and occasion.

5 months later