18 / 238
Sep 2019

You’re free to review my Cyberpunk webcomic Detox.

My social media account:

Hi! ^^
You channel looks very promising, I wish you good luck!!

I would really appreciate it, if you would take a look at my comic.
As for genre, well... it's kind of drama/action/crime/mystery/revenge.
It's currently at the 17th chapter and we are at the peak of the current arc. c:

I do have Twitter and Instagram, but I never post there... it's something I'll have to start doing in the future. :smiley:

Say no more, you are very helpful for doing this:

Genre: Action/Adventure

I'd give it like a PG rating

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amazementcomics/1

It'd be so cool to be in one of your videos!

The genre is fantasy action-adventure. It's a lighthearted comic about friends and fighting. The comic is currently on hiatus and I am also redo the entire first chapter. I hope The Black Belt Society can make it into your video! Thank you for this opportunity!
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/indigo_shirt_productions/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IndigoShirt
Deviant 1: https://www.deviantart.com/kcra123
Deviant 2: https://www.deviantart.com/indigoshirtprod

Your channel looks interesting. Thanks in advance!

This would be awesome if you'd be willing to do mine!
Mine is a Sci-fi/Fantasy action comic. It's in pixel art. It's heavily inspired by both Shonen manga, and Silver Age superhero comics

If you still have space left, you can totally feature my comic!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/truepowercomic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cave_comics
Insta: https://instagram.com/cavechan/
Tumblr: https://cavechan.tumblr.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cavecomics1
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/cavecomics
Website: http://stardustsketchbook.com

I have several comics, but this is the hot one I really want to promote right now
Zeta Bits, comedy/slice of life comic

Although this one is the most popular out of my comics atm.
My Darkling, a Slice of Life comic

Here's my twitter

I'd love it if you could put out mine! Hopefully it's good enough. I would also appreciate if you sent me a link when you upload (though you may be very busy!). It's a supernatural, horror, action manga rated on the 17+ side for violence and some language. Thank you!!!

Here's mine!
I've got the following social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LuccaFerreiraVendramel/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuccaVendr
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/lucca-vendramel
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Bloomin_JooJ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucca.vendramel/1
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/lucca-vendramel

And here's my comic:

Nice timing i´m returning from hiatus this Friday with a good buffer
here´s the link

my twitter mostly inactive lol

Great idea, I would love to help each other out. Subscribed to your YT and insta.

It's a Comedy/Slice-of-Life genre one-shot stories about women exploring witchcraft and all the stereotypes that go with it.

I am mostly active on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magaliseart/1
And JUST made a twitter: https://twitter.com/magaliseart

best of luck!

Darling do you also have interst in doing a novel. I have an ongoing novel that is updating three times a week. I dunno if you take BL though. XD

thank you for the excellent work youre doing!! i want in

my twitter is @AislinnEvans_

since you said it takes you a while to post videos, you'll let you know that the final chapter of twaw launches on November 13th, making that week a cracking time for a boost - but any time would be much appreciated.

i look forward to checking out your videos!! :smiley:

This sounds so cool. Would you take a look at my small comic? :slight_smile:

It'S scifi/fantasy and it's about two brothers who live in the world where zodiac signs let people control elements and turn into animals.

THANK YOU :slight_smile:



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