Hello! I have read the first 5 chapters and can now give you some feedback!
Praise: I think you really understand your audience with this story! I can tell this is geared towards a high schooler audience, but in a way that respects their intelligence and understanding of the school life. I think the humor and snarkiness of Danielle is very relatable and I love how she just wants toc hill and watch netflix on the weekends lol. I think Allison is charming, too, and I got a few laugh-out-loud moments from the story. I like the concept of the story as it sort of reminds me of one of my favorite books/movies, To Kill a Mockingbird where the kids are investigating an odd house with an odd person therein. I think it's a fun concept.
Feedback: I think adding in a few more sensory details and descriptions of the environment would help ground me in the moments of the story a little bit better, especially when big stuff goes down. E.g., mention physiological reactions to things more such as: Sweating, heart thudding, head hurting, what the environment smells like/looks like, things like that. I do think adding in some character wants/needs would help us attach to them more, too. For example, maybe add in something each character wants in their personal life (e.g., a good grade, a good job, more money, a boyfriend/girlfriend) but add in some barrier that gets in their way (e.g., trouble studying, too young to get a good job, person they're attracted to is already in a relationship with someone else), and so forth. I would also add in more about the general setting, too, to rope readers in, as I find some of the more amusing parts of the story are just Danielle talking about the good/annoying aspects of school. Especially as a homeschooler, I find this amusing and grounds me a bit more in the story better since I am unfamiliar with the setting LOL.
Otherwise, I think you're off to a great start! Nice work~!