30 / 38
Aug 2023

Dang, this is hard cause mine's getting started. Maybe Chicken Run and Game of Thrones? It involves clans, or it will eventually.

I always end up using games to describe and always have a hard time choosing two specific movie/ shows but lemme see-


The Thing × The Boys
or maybe Evil Dead x Chronicle (2012)

meets Covid Social Distance

and the upcoming Holiday In Heavensea (comic)
could be
Red White & Royal Blue x Bright Burn

(haven't seen or read Red White & Royal Blue, but guess for the gay romance between two popular boys, in this comic's case a vlogger and an A-List actor, I'm hyped to see it ) :confetti_ball:

Chosen wads: Avatar but also Avatar.

Penelope Dreadful (not really a comic but it will be one day): Wednesday but also Ben 10.

I love Murdoch Mysteries they film it near me. Well they travel all over Ontario and Quebec for filming. Love the easter eggs in it, stories, history and comedy. The mysteries are good.

I started writing my short stories on my manga back in highschool in the 90s. But id have to say the tv show Supernatural and the movie Constantine fit it will. A bit if mystery, action, drama, some comedy and horror.

Indeed. It’s just really well done. And I like that it’s in the 19th century but it feels relatable to modern audiences. Also Julia Ogden is queen!!

Yah know what’s funny? That was my English teacher’s name Julia Ogden who’s maiden name was Stancampiano.

Not exactly a movie for the first bit, but I imagine my comic to be an awkwardly shot live action television adaptation of a classic childrens book, and maybe the winx movies

... I am not doing good :'D

Uhhhh .... so like, After School Dice Club and Girls' Last Tour are probably the closest media to bitwam on their own, but describing it as a combo of those two misses a huge chunk of my comic. I need something with more interpersonal feels ... Katawa Shoujo perhaps? ... I feel like that'll give the impression it's more romancey than it is though ... OMORI?? ARGGGGGH IDK :'D

This is actually so hard LOL. I’ve been thinking about this post for TWO DAYS and I genuinely don’t know what would be the closest media to my comic. During its first year of creation, it probably would have been like Fruits Basket x stranger things season 1 and 2. But after its… many rewrites, I genuinely can’t pick medias that fit it. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing xD, I probably just haven’t seen enough movies and shows.
Now, I’d say the closest thing to my story would probably the it’s like if the relationships in the anime Toradora met like 3/4 of the plot of Big Hero Six (excluding the superhero parts) LOL. But that’s still not quite accurate. I had to ask my friends who’ve read my script what they thought and they can’t think of much either hahah.

19 days later