8 / 26
Sep 2020

It all depends on what you use your Patreon for. There are artists that only offer one low tier, but still make a pretty decent income with it. There are folks with lots of tiers and barely have a few patrons.

Bottom line, do what YOU think you can afford to spend your time on.

Know what you can offer, know what your audience might be interested in and just go for it.

I have a question: are most patrons also creators or more of a reader/fans?
Are there many mid/big-time Patreon creators who also are supportive to smaller creators?

My main Patreon rewards are sketches, early updates, and ebooks, they don't take extra time at all. I have other rewards (colouring pages by my patrons' requests, commissions, etc.) but people rarely choose them, most just donate money without asking anything in return. So, at least in my case, Patreon is not very demanding.

Well... yes, patreon IS time consuming and I am a really small patron user - however, I can definitely say that I have some of the nicest patrons around and we tend to have lots of fun =)

I am still finding things out though, so I occasionally make changes to my tiers.
e.g. I thought a "monthly sketch" for a $5 tier was a good idea... ^^" I had to limit this tier or else I would not have been able to continue my webcomic. As much as I love giving individualized rewards, in the long run it might not be sustainable for your own health.

I have newly added quarterly stickers, which will be patron-only, the next ones will be uploaded in December, so it will not get tiring for me.

Having a webcomic on tapas, on WEBTOON, a patreon, a ko-fi, instagram, twitter etc all at once requires management and careful time planning... and I envy all those who seem to have mastered it XD

Anyhow, if anyone wants to have a look at my patreon and maybe even give some feedback on where I could improve, I'd be really happy! :heart:

I definitely support other creators! About a dozen at the moment at varying levels of popularity!

Thank you!! I tried to keep a theme and since my comic is vampires, well, lmao

I love the theming you have going on with your page! The one improvement I would make is rewording your Rebel Leader tier:

The average person probably won't know how big DIN-A5 is or that it's a measurement at all. I'd just change that to inches! I would also try to keep the ordering of the perks the same between the tiers so people can spot the difference at a quick glance. It took me a few re-reads to figure out what was going on. I'd also change "all of the above" to "includes (lower tier) rewards", as patreon has changed the layout of their pages and tiers are now side by side!

My goal in making tier rewards is to keep them as simple as possible. I want people to absorb that information quickly so they can make a decision!

Edit: This is how I'd set them up! You're also missing "access to discord" for your Rebel Leader tier which I assume must be included because it's Rebel tier but better!

I'd say my Patreon takes minimum effort, since I mostly just upload completed pages for people to read early. It isn't any different from posting to a social media or art site to me. (And I already have many places I have to post to with each update)

I also upload something nearly every day and tbh I think only about 5 or so Patrons actually check their rewards often. Most of my Patrons are just pledged to support me in general and hardly check when I post new stuff. (´∀`;) Patrons can be completely fickle though. I've had patrons that deleted their pledge after a week of not posting something, and another deleted because I posted too much haha. At the end of the day, those who like your work (and have the means to support you) will stick around.

Right now I wish I could like your answer multiple times @byelacey! O_O Thank you! :heart:
Actually, your suggestions are so obvious when pointed out, so not seeing them myself is... :see_no_evil:

I'll look up the DIN->inch conversion immediately, this really is a good thing you pointed out (I, as a metric user, am completely at loss with the inch system, so it's obvious that it's the other way round, too).

And you're right: The tier descriptions are worded too confusing, I haven't been happy with them but I could not pinpoint exactly what was wrong (I probably over-thought them so many times that I didn't see the solution) and AUGH! Yes, Discord! O_O I have adjusted my tiers just ~2 weeks ago and I think this slipped my attention (not that it works with Discord, I still have to figure out how my patrons can access the server without me adding their roles manually... although I followed the official tutorial there @_@)

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my patreon and give me this feedback! :heart: I really appreciate this! :slight_smile:

Low, low effort. I'd say it's fairly easy for me to maintain it. I make around $52/month (before taxes) from 8 patrons, so in my mind's eyes, I'm only gonna do $52 worth of effort (which is next to none for me). As I get more patrons and more money, I'll probably raise that effort, but for now I'm just chilling.

I try to communicate often with my patrons, and they've come to expect batches from me. Instead of posting daily or weekly, I post big batches once or twice monthly. A lot of concept art, some comic buffer, a lot of behind the scenes, and any questions they want answered. So far, they've enjoyed what I've given.

Also give people more options if they can't keep up the Patreon donation. I have a Ko-Fi for a reason. Some people can only do small donations from time to time, and that's ok.

No problem! Happy to help! Sometimes even the obvious stuff can easily be missed, it's always nice to have a second set of eyes! And good luck!! :slight_smile:

It certainly is nice to have those eyes, thank you! :heart: I just made the changes you suggested and it looks much better now! :smiley: Strangely, the Rebel Leader tier already had a discord link, which is kinda strange :thinking: Oh well, as long as it is displayed now I am happy! X3

Thank you again, and good luck to you, too! Your patron page is superb and I really, really like your text in the "about" section! :heart:

I only have 1 patron so right now not hard at all. You should all join and make it a bit more difficult for me though! :smiley:

Patreon takes as much effort as you want it to be tbh.

I know my limits, pace, and my current priorities, so I'm still sticking with only two tiers even a year since launch. First tier is just my $1 donate what you want tip-jar. Patrons of this tier know not to expect ANYTHING by default! I do of course share an all-patrons posts every now and then (sharing requests from the higher tier) or whenever a new episode is ready, they can see a hi-res of it few days before public. I don't always have a new ep every month, so this is a fair compensation i feel.

My entire focus is on my only other $6 tier! That's where I drop at least one new "bonus artwork" per week, alongside other occasional stuff (profiles, BTS, Fanart, teasers, themed days not related to the comic like Werewolf Wednesdays...)

Now keep in mind, the key point is honest communication with your patrons!
I never really specified how many new posts to expect per month, but i try to keep it to AT LEAST once a week. Even then, i let them know when there won't be a new post next week for whatever reason. They've always been understanding and supportive, but it's good practice to maintain this level of communication with your paying supporters : >

Also, all of this won't even be a problem if you schedule like.. a month worth of updates? (1 post per week is ideal imo) and never have to worry about keeping up again.

[ Pro-tip time!!!! ]

If you're using CSP, I HIIIIIGHLY encourage you to prepare at least a single "comic" file and label it something like Patreon2020, and this is where you draw and prepare all your rewards for this year. It's WAY easier and organized to work in batches like this.

Here i have two files, one exclusively for my webcomic rewards, and the other i recently introduced for "Werewolf Wednesday" + "Feline Friday" and any other reward not related to my comic.

Notice how in the top file, i have two "pages" i used just as labels to organize everything in the same file. First my normal illustrations, then wallpapers, then profiles.
This kind of setup is excellent for many reasons: 1)can keep duplicating a page setup you like (that already has textures and ur signature etc) and start drawing right away 2)You know you got a year worth of weekly updates covered if you prepared a good ~52 pages 3)have a clear idea of who you've been drawing a lot, and who you've been neglecting for a while lol 4)everything is neatly in one place. Keeps you focused.

Oh also
in an attempt to keep my very dead social account alive, i recently prepared a "page" (number 29 in the attached image) where i drag and drop whatever latest artwork i made, blur it out and post on my social media to advertise my page outside of webcomic platforms (note: the dimensions are made specifically to mitigate Twitter's stupid cropping system. Feel free to use it as a base!)

As a lazy potato, this been working well for me so far.
I plan on overhauling the look of my page sometime soon, but free to have a look at it now for reference : >

And good luck!!

Don't mind if I adapt your pro tip @Rosso - that's an awesome recommendation! :heart_01: Organization is not my strongest suit :see_no_evil:

For me when I was doing Patreon it was mostly for when I used to stream art after work sometimes--so my tier was something I was already doing--to be able to choose what I draw for fanart friday. Honestly, just a tip jar. And, now that I'm not doing that, I just put Patreon to the side so it acts like a Ko-fi and that's it (and no one really knows it's there, so eventually I'll revive it but as of right now, I'm not doing things that...would naturally be a Patreon goal, so like you I'm of the mind that it'd just be a second job). For people that do Patreon fulltime, they have rewards that just naturally fit really well into work they'd do anyway. People's names at the end of video's or at the end of comics. Maybe access to a community discord. Simple stuff.

But I don't' really like holding too many things behind a paywall--just doesn't work for my endgame of getting hired by art directors. I want them to see my best work right when I make it so...I don't think I'll be using Patreon for secret art or anything like that. That's just toooo much art that never gets seen by the right people.

We all have different goals and needs so we'll all have very different Patreons. You don't have to do what someone else is doing that will make you burn out. (and I've seen so many people on Patreon burn out, it's very sad)

Please refer to a really awesome, helpful guide we wrote on how to get success on Patreon if you run a webcomic. :smiley:

can always just have any bonus artworks as "early access" : > I've seen creators having their early access last for barely a week or two at most. It raises the value of pledging to you, while also making sure they don't stay forever behind a paywall :thumbsup:

For me i plan to have my early access stuff last at least a year worth of time, but that's only because for some reason, i'm really not so eager on talking about my webcomic in public if i could help it (^^;; Need to make sure everyone REALLY wanna see more of what i'm making before i do lol, so putting it behind a paywall is a good solution for me.

yeah early access works really well for comics! For me it was more about my work that isn't comics (I do hardcore paintings that take eons so...I don't want to ever wait on showing those off) probably should have clarified the difference.