17 / 45
Aug 2021

Here's mine!

Here's my Manga ( ^ u ^ hope you like them X3

Three chapters is literally the amount I have up lol, concluded chapter 3 yesterday;
but here's my comic; always open to new opinions outside of subscriber base

Here's mine

That would be great. Though the 'episodes' is a bit misleading which is why the titles are page numbers. And it's a manga as well but I do hope you enjoy reading it.:sweat_smile:

I don't do the art myself, so feedback on the general story (flow, uniqueness, did it jeep you interested) would be very helpful!

I'll make sure to give you a proper critique as well as soon as I can.

EDIT: Review time.

So since English is the only language I speak, I (obviously) decided to read the English version.

To start off, the English is a bit rough at times. I'm assuming this is because it's not your native language so I wouldn't sweat it too much. If you're going to continue with the English translations though, it might be worth it to find someone who'd be willing to proofread your work.

Next, I'd highly recommend you change the font of the text since it's fairly difficult to read. I'd suggest something like Wild Words or Manga Temple. They're pretty much the go-to for webcomics. Besides the font itself, the rest of the bubbling is solid. The font size is large enough to read and things are spaced where they should be.

The panelling is also pretty good. One thing I would watch out for are page transitions2. Depending on your monitor/screen settings it might not be noticeable (I use 2 monitors but can only see this with one of them), but the panels in the image I linked don't actually blend together smoothly.

For the artwork, the backgrounds look a bit out of place due to the fact that there aren't any shadows2. Everything seems very flat because of it and kind of takes me out of the immersion. Backgrounds tend to be a second thought a lot of the time, but I'd say they're just as important as anything else. Just as a comparison, you do have backgrounds with shading3 and the difference is like night and day (although by the looks of it, are you using external assets for these scenes?). Other than that, there are a few panels3 where the movement feels "off", but that'll improve as you get better as an artist (I'd like to give more constructive feedback, but as I myself am not an artist I can't really help with that).

In terms of the story, there isn't really much to go off of right now so I can't really give my opinion on it. It starts off with a mystery which may make the reader want to read more to figure out what's going on, but other than that nothing has really been established yet.

Suer, you can comment on the art

This one is mine, please don't judge my art from pretty much 5 years ago at the beginning to harshly. I ask you look at the last few chapters for that lol.

This one's based in Podcast on Youtube.Feel free to check.

You have a dope webtoon. I like it.
Here's mine, I just started recently and am working on the third chapter.
Hope you enjoy it!

If you comment on the comics, it'll boost my engagement big time!

I also got a web novel that's super fun to read too

Okay so I read the first 5 episodes and:
- I think the line art should be more clean cause I have trouble understanding what's going on
- I think you should use the text the app gives instead of drawing/writing the text yourself because I can't understand what the characters are saying most of the times
- The panel boxes do get better at page 4 which is good
- I actually do like the "motion"/"lines of action", it looks good. Makes the drawing feel more "alive"
- I like the characters design
- The description looks interesting

Overall u did say its mess cause its more of a practice comic. I would try to make the lines more clean and use the "text" option. This is just my opinion tho.

May I know what app u use to draw?

(I'm sorry for the late reply, I couldn't reply because I had reached the reply limit)

The story it's pretty interesting. I like the plot kinda reminds me of Devils line.
- I think the line art should be "thinner"
- The action scenes are pretty good, easy to understand and they look cool
- I like the way the panel was colored in episode 2 , I think u should try doing more of those
- Maybe try bettering the perspective a lil (I have trouble doing that too lol)
- Annie got my attention out of all the characters

Okay so it's really hard to understand.

Try to use the "text" option in whatever app you using instead of writing it yourself. Try switching brushes, use texture brushes and use thinner brushes for the line art.

The description looks interesting but I didn't understand what was going on in the story

The art style its really cute and the story it's interesting!!
The line art its clean, the text its readable, the art its good and so is the plot.

I think the only thing that caught my attention was the thick line art, I would do it thinner unless that's ur art style.

The art it's truly amazing, it really does remind me of manga. The eye patch guy reminds me of someone, maybe the guy from Mars red. Nothing much to judge, maybe the way the text is placed inside the bubble is kinda off. And the first word in the speech bubble is never capitalized

I made a model for a few backgrounds so I can have a black and white line art so all I would have to do would be coloring, blending, shading and adding those shadows in.

I do hand draw some backgrounds but I'm lazy lol

For example this one took me hours so I ended up being lazy at the coloring part

  • Ye, English ain't my first language so sometimes I do not look twice. For example I never notice I write "this" instead of "these" till I upload the webtoon and I'm too lazy to change it. (well I'm too lazy to change any grammar mistakes ngl)

  • You have a good eye for those page transitions :cry_01: I didn't even notice, thx for pointing that out

  • I didn't even notice that, I'll come back to those backgrounds and give it some blending/shadows [quote="ItzaMeLuigi, post:17, topic:62712"]
    For the artwork, the backgrounds look a bit out of place due to the fact that there aren't any shadows.
  • ItzaMeLuigi:

    there are a few panels where the movement feels "off", but that'll improve as you get better as an artist

Ngl, I'm bad with movements. I laugh every time I see that part. I gotta fix that :sob:

Thx for pointing stuff out. I didn't even notice a few of those things, I was kinda rushing with chapter 1 so I gotta go back to that one to check what I missed. (I did notice how blurry some panels get once uploaded, I gotta see how to fix that)

Imma edit this comment once I read ur story :blush:


First of all I like the art.
-The story its interesting , futuristic stuff always attracts my attention. (This kinda reminds me of a spring 2021 anime but it's mainly about robots)

-The concept of getting rid of memories it's pretty cool, makes u wonder if erasing a memory will really solve your problems. I subscribed, looking forward to the webtoon.

  • The text is readable. Is kinda blurry on laptop tho

  • I like the way the story is told and the panels placement it's good and easy to follow

Memories really do make a person.

(The character from my story finna need some of that "losing memory" machine lol)