1 / 65
Oct 2024

Hey all. I'm a published author who is getting into the graphic novel business. I'm trying to drum up some interest in my graphic novel/comic "Heron", so I'm throwing caution to the wind and offering anyone who subs my eyeballs over their entire series. I'm not a university supervisor or a peer; I won't blast you! I will keep my comments positive and honest, but please, only one series per person. I'm not sure what the response will be, but I will do my best to read as much as possible!

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Jan 27
  • 64


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  • 41


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I'm a new writer and I wanted to get my book out there. I always sub back!

Book Name: Stuck With Me
What's it about: 16-year-old Harper Caddell is an all-star do-it-all girl who one day receives a scholarship and invitation to the top private school in America filled with the children of the high society. Determined to come out on top and prove that even a girl from Houston can be the best, Harper goes in dedicated and ready to stay away from distractions. But because the world's against her, her very own handmade distraction comes in the form of Pricetown Private's very own 6'4 delinquent hottest-man named Dallas Atkins. Watch as these two knuckleheads learn to get along and just maybe (okay very likely) fall for each other.

Link: https://tapas.io/series/Stuck-With-Me1

Already subbed. Here's my stuff and you don't have to worry about keeping it positive. Brutal honest opinion welcome. If you think it's a piece of crap, so be it :laughing:

Also I would like to know your opinion. It could be absolutely terrible and I would like to know that please.

I don't use to have much free time, because I study a lot, but I'll subscribe your story and read it when I could.
Below is my story:

That's a story that ranges from comedy to action fantasy and horror; it has a non-sense and dubious humor, but it's serious when needs. I hope you enjoy!

Bro, I think if you put a profile picture you will convey more credibility to others with your work, and by I've seen here, you draw well.

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