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Nov 2019

I'm overjoyed but also a tiny bit confused. I got a lot of likes today but not particularly huge on views(it's not an update day at all), is it normal to get on Trending without breaking triple digits? I also don't use the app so I have no idea of knowing if it's there, but this is pretty cool already, if a little sudden! :shook_01:

  • created

    Nov '19
  • last reply

    Nov '19
  • 2


  • 471


  • 2


  • 19


  • 1


i don't think it's too uncommon for a series to wind up on trending even on the typically "slow" days. Usually it's a binge reader who'll go through your comic and like or comment on a bunch of episodes and that'll easily give you enough of a push to end up in trending

Still congrats on making the list :tapa_pop:

Thanks for the explanation! Well, it's off of it now, but if I got there once I can do it again, this is great motivation!