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May 2019

1250 ink is a dollar :3

But Tapas gets their cut so idk how much ink you need for a dollar, after “taxes”

Oh my god... it's a LOT of ink for a dollar lol. Anyways thank you!

and the worst part is if you successfully get $25 from your audience after like 2 years of tipping, they take a cut and PayPal takes a cut. it's just trash all together. :cry:

I’ve got $0.14 y’all! I’m about travel the world!

You can get a fine piece of bubblegum for that in Denmark.
Call me if you come by

That’s the hard one. Tapas I fair, it is their service. But Paypal? That’s just greed

You know that there's a fees for sending money to the creators via PayPal, and it is already known that sometimes, tapas cut it from themselves for sending it out to the creators.

This is my math.
If a reader support me with an ink value of 100$
All the ink is form app purchases with a 30% fee.
Then I have a value of 70$.
Tapas takes the share at 15%
Then I have 59,50$
The PayPal takes 10%
It gives me a value of 53,55$

And If I have to pay my Danish tax of that income at 40%

I have a party value of 32,13$

Well. That’s just the name of the game.

This is the topic from January, and I couldn't really find the thread where michaelson (I think it was him) talking about the inks fees.

A lot of things is clarifies here, so maybe just take a look though I've been derived from the original answered topic.

So INK really SUCKS! it's better to use KO-FI... omg it's so horrible all this. I'm kinda feel depressed about using TAPAS now. And now there this event with inks and shit. What should I do? Maybe it's better to encourage ppl to tip directly to me.

If your readers are using money to tip you, it is better to direct them to ko-fi.
If they don't have money, they can watch ads to earn ink to tip you. These tips also avoid the 30% processing fees from google/app store since the ink is straight from ad rev. Direct these users to tapas tips.

Tapas ink is amazing in that regard and gives you a tool that ko-fi doesn't. It turns people with smaller or empty wallets into customers.

6 months later

I just want yall to know I'm now at a solid $10.45 so I'll be getting like 20 pieces of gum in Denmark when I visit @jensrichard77

Was so excited to get my first round of 25 ink yesterday... $0.02. Woohoo! Lol

It also comes down to if you're getting tipped often enough to make it worth it. Even with ko-fi, if you're not getting tips regularly then it's not going to matter.

but I do agree with @LordVincent, Tapas does provide a method for those who can't/won't shell out the money for tipping. There are lot of younger readers out there who may not have a source of income so at least they have the option to earn ink for free.

Edit: I also didn't realize how old this topic is :sweat_smile: :joy:

It looks like you can buy ink through the Google Play store? If so, and you're in the US, you can probably buy a nice chunk of ink for free (over time) by using the Google Opinion Rewards app.

I’ll buy you a beer

Don’t worry. Just keep the value inside and as dollar at Pay Pal and they will not charge you.
And the high tax in Denmark save me a A lot of money on health insurance and all education are free.

I buy you a beer too