75 / 96
Nov 2021

My inksgiving contest is go for launch! If you Donate ink, then you have a chance to suggest a name for my mascot/avatar! Have fun, everyone!


I wanna see how this goes, lol

Here is my first novel! Can't wait!

Happy INKSGIVING everyone! Since I'm working i would only be able to gift my Inks out later this evening, but I think I can get 150inks to each person here. I'm just gonna assume we have 70 participants so it's gonna take some hours ⊙.☉

My goals for Inksgiving:

10,000 ink = a whole bunch of NCC and Words. wallpapers for laptop and phone!
20,000 ink = NCC chapter 1 and 2 in PDF format
+ 1 additional chapter for every 1,000 after that (up to the most recent)

My comics :slight_smile:

I only have enough Ink to give out 100 to everyone on the list :sob: Wish I could give more! I'll be sending Ink out shortly! :smiley:

Well, here is my comic too, I might as well join in!! I'm going to try and help out too~

This is my first inks giving and so far Im doing pretty well. I do feel bad that I haven't been able to give out any ink back since I dont Im still relatively new and dont know how to get ink :\

Here's my series. Ink tiers are in the latest episode

I think I'm done giving everyone on this list their inks, and if I missed anyone, you can nudge me. Wink wink

Also, there's several people who still haven't got their support unlocked. For anyone i list below, please go to the discord server i linked on the main post and ask for your support to be unlocked. If it's done, reply to me and I'll sent you some inks.


I'm so exited!!!

Help me reach my 40,000 stretch mark goal!!! :smiley: I made my first 1,000 ink so far!

My first Inksgiving since my two year hiatus :cry_01:
This time, I've got a bit of ink left to give out as well, and a lot of nice bonus rewards for my comic, so if anyone wants to check it out, here's the link to my story:

I'm grateful to anyone checking it out.... and entirely grateful to anyone wanting to part with a bit of ink as well :coffee_love:

Phew! I've gone through pretty much everyone on this list and have seen some beautiful projects!! Looks like my reading list is going to get bigger soon. :sip:

Happy Inksgiving

:tapa_pop:HAPPY INKSGIVING! :heart_03:

I currently have one novel, The Tale of The Butterfly and The Crane3, published on Tapas, with the final episode scheduled for December 30, 2021. I'm hoping to have my new novel, Xiezhi2, uploaded on January 1, 2022. I already have a few teasers for Xiezhi posted.

Every bit of ink helps, but in all honesty, I cherish subscribers and likes/active readers more than anything. :purple_heart: