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Sep 2015

Hello Tapsters!

This time of the year has come... It's Inktober.
If you don't know already it was created by Mr Jake Parker37.
It's a challenge over the whole month in which you should post on social media an inked sketch every day in October.

Don't be shy, train your inking skill and post your stuff here!

As for myself, I'll be trying to tell a full story over the course of the month, posting it here on Tapastic as a special series.

So who's with me?!?

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    Sep '15
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    Nov '15
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There are 169 replies with an estimated read time of 12 minutes.

I did it last year too but I was lacking an overall theme. Some people did an Halloween theme but I ended up doing random fan art!

You should. Keeping it up the whole month is a real challenge. There's always a good mood and you would get exposure through social media!

I'm in! I did it last year, and it was a blast.

Of course, this year, I've decided to up the ante, so not only am I going for the full, one-picture-every-day challenge - I'm also doing it as ink-wash paintings, all arranged so that they tell a story, while juggling my twice-weekly webcomic, preparations for two separate Christmas-things, my job AND the final weekend being spent at Comic Con Stockholm.

Because why do one thing when you can do ALL the things? XD

I'll be posting my stuff over on my Twitter1 and on my Tumblr4.

Hehe! I push everything until the last moment. No point starting Christmas stuff now for me!
Hopefully I'm unemployed and back to my parent's at the moment. I might not have had time for everything.
Keeping the main series up is still the most important thing!
But extra stuff keeps the creative sparkle running.

I started working on my Christmas calendar in July, because I'm like that. Why put off to later what you can get done now? XD

I guess that's what makes an artist reliable and efficient!
I only work if I'm under pressure so no safety net for me.
Everything is at the last minute! wink

How do you prepare for this? I have the ink and paper. Maybe I could plan little 4-koma's for my comic that's usually done in long korean style?

Last year I just filled in my tiny sketch book whenever I had time.
This year I'll probably use bigger pages but it won't be that much different.
I got the story pretty much planned.
I try to keep it loose though. To allow happy accidents.

A gag a day comic with simple pannels would work perfectly for this challenge!

I am going to try it this year. It sounds like fun. But I think I will post everything on my Tumblr

I never had too much feedback on tumblr.
That's why I like it here on Tapastic!
I post everywhere anyways... ;-D

Gonna give it a go, though I'll also probably keep it on my tumblrs and twitters - unless I end up drawing stuff related in my comic, in which case I'll probably spam my Tapastic wall as I always do : d

Boy this will be tough, but I'll give it a go. Do we use #inktober?

Digital ink legit? I did DeDraMo (December Drawing Month -- a piece of art a day, no matter how much time) twice and that helped me get into using my tablet a lot more comfortably a few years back! This'll just be for fun though ^^

Good question! I'm wondering about that too. Just tweeted that and will let you know what's the answer. But I think I'll challenge myself doing traditional inking. (since I draw 99% digitally) (and... I gotta make use of some ink pen laying around haha)

I was 100% traditional until four years ago, but I have no scanner and digital would just be a lot easier and probably more useful at the moment for me! I'll try to find out as well ^^