16 / 170
Sep 2015

I am going to try it this year. It sounds like fun. But I think I will post everything on my Tumblr

I never had too much feedback on tumblr.
That's why I like it here on Tapastic!
I post everywhere anyways... ;-D

Gonna give it a go, though I'll also probably keep it on my tumblrs and twitters - unless I end up drawing stuff related in my comic, in which case I'll probably spam my Tapastic wall as I always do : d

Boy this will be tough, but I'll give it a go. Do we use #inktober?

Digital ink legit? I did DeDraMo (December Drawing Month -- a piece of art a day, no matter how much time) twice and that helped me get into using my tablet a lot more comfortably a few years back! This'll just be for fun though ^^

Good question! I'm wondering about that too. Just tweeted that and will let you know what's the answer. But I think I'll challenge myself doing traditional inking. (since I draw 99% digitally) (and... I gotta make use of some ink pen laying around haha)

I was 100% traditional until four years ago, but I have no scanner and digital would just be a lot easier and probably more useful at the moment for me! I'll try to find out as well ^^

Thank you so much for reminding us, I had completely forgotten about it!! I missed it last year and only could do a couple of sketches at the very end of the month.

I'd love to try it this year properly! I don't think I'll go with a comic though, but a theme is a very nice idea. Maybe mix my 1980s-90s anime/manga-nostalgia with a halloweeny atmosphere O(≧▽≦)O

I also missed the beginning last year. That's why I am so focused this time.
I got one of my friends to do it with me.
This is gonna be fun!

And yes I would use traditional ink! I think that's the point of the event.

omg yes this sounds fun, but hella tough. I'm gonna have to put lots of willpower to get this done LOL but I'm keen to do it! Just need to get my ass in front of that pen and paper.

Heh, sounds like Nanowrimo for artists. I'll have a go. Maybe I'll finally manage to finish a couple personal projects I've been meaning to work on.

I'm so hyped for it! It's my first time participating this year.

For anyone who wants to find out more about Inktober and its creation, you can find out more on Jake Parker's home page (linked by OP) and he talks about it a bit in his most recent video:

Jake's Inktober History Video3

I've never done Inktober but I think I will this year! It'll be hard to do something every day (especially as I'm on a school trip to CERN for some of it!) but I'm going to go for it. B) I'll probably post it on my twitter and my tumblr - my twitter definitely does not get enough love. :0

Maybe we could have a forum thread (this one or a new one) where people could post their drawings, and for people who don't have themes to work with maybe suggest a theme of the day every now and then! ^-^ (That would be pretty cool...)

It as random for me too! XD
I'll post everything on my umblr and here too if we can. (Maybe links later, the topic won't be flooded now).

I'll use sakuramicron and pentil brush : D

That's why I decided to do a full story this year.
That would avoid looking for a new theme every day.

@whydocowsfall Please don't hesitate to post your stuff here. However I think most people seem to share on social media instead.

Yup, so in. I participated last year and had a blast, even made a few drawings I really liked. I'll also be posting to my Tumblr and Twitter. Should be interesting posting in a forum with other folks.