12 / 212
Sep 2016

i've been drawing on the computer since I was 6, I guess traditional art just isn't my thing haha...

@Jrej I'm almost finished with my series- buffer wise. I wouldnt mind getting back to bristol & ink myself, but I cant/wont ink a pic a day AND work on my comic- so the comic is priority.

Ooh, I think I'll give it a shot. Ink is always fun and I could use the practice. Hm, I'll probably draw a lot of ocs, but I want to work on drawing environments and stuff too!

I'm going to attempt to do a random, hopefully decent quality, ink sketch everyday. They'll probably be a mix of photo studies, style studies, environment sketches, stuff like that. It'll be a good opportunity to learn some stuff while goofing off, as well as use my long forgotten brush and calligraphy pens.

As usual, I'm aiming for an inked pic every second day in October. I'll try to do quality over quantity (also, I need some time to work on the next chapter of my comic). If any of the inks turn out good, I might bring them to my part of the table I share at Comic Con Stockholm, and try to sell 'em =)
I'll probably assemble a list of characters I want to draw, so we'll see..!

I started trying to do it last year, but between making a comic and working I just didn't have time. Maybe this year though!

It's an opportunity to draw so ething different. Environement is definitely a must.
Could be fun drawing from real life for that.

@Bloomer Oh a brush... I have to try one of those! I plan on going for bold inking pen. I heard brushes are hard to master but give amazing result. A more organic vibe I guess...

@jennula Every second day sounds great. You definitely don't wanna rush these. I probably have an hour per day in the morning to do this, so can't put that much detail into it. I hope to better the quality by starting a little earlier.

@mjmassey I was lucky to survive it last year because I had time. This year I wanna start early to get a week of buffer. That's needed for more complex artwork. I could still wing an inked sketch in a couple minutes but that's not the point, right? ....Hehe (Totally gonna do that!)

It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of them, but they aren't too bad once you do, you just gotta know how to work line pressure... without a computer tablet. I think the last time I used brush pens was in high school, I did a spoof cover for a now dropped project. The style was meant to parody 70's anime.

Ahh~ Good times.

It'll be Inktober and straight to NaNoWriMo for me. This month has just been me planning stuff out so I have time to do both :3

I want to give it a shot this year, it will be the first time I've ever done it. I wasn't thinking of doing a specific theme but I'll probably end up doing a crap ton of fanart. ^^;

I did it last year for the first time, it was good timing for when I started my instagram haha! Plan on drawing for it each day again smile

Looks so rad. Very professional! I would totally watch an anime like this. ;-D

@angelfire Double challenge! You're the real deal. The launching date is around the corner and I haven't prepared anything yet.
Arg. No worries I left some free time in the morning to work on this everyday.

@WakaXO Fan art is great! Gets you double exposure. And you never run out of ideas. I should do more of that!

@sefra114 I get so much response on instagram compared to other social media during Inkotber. I don't know why is that but I always make sure not to forget posting it there. wink So many places, right?

i'm not doing comics for inktober but i AM doing a series of ink washes. hopefully i'll have a chance to post them. i've never done inktober before so i'm excited

That sounds cool! As long as you're creating.
I'd love to see what you come up with.

In the end, I'll be inking "Surviving the Holiday1" like last year because my buddy would rather do single illustrations. A brand new story so it's gonna be fun.

Maybe the built up story could be a good challenge for a future inktober. We shall see...

I didn't get to participate in Inktober last year, but I did in 2014! I might end up just doing the same thing and just post ink doodles I do during the event. I'm hoping to have some inktober drawing everyday.

Producing content everyday is definitely a hard thing.
But I think with doodles you are more flexible.
It could be more or less complex, depending on the time you have.
That's what I did in 2014...

So far I've seen a Halloween Inktober theme list and the official one... I think I wanna try the official one, it would also be my first Inktober challenge blush
I'vve had quite the fun time with the 30-days monster girl challenge in the past, so I'm hopeful this will be a positive experience too.
I am considering using my OCs for it, but I can't decide if I should make it comic-centric and use the cats of one of my current series, or just go with "draw whoever fits the theme"

wow, these are some really neat ideas ^^
Thanks for sharing them!

I like Inktober, but I prefer drawing fanart or other people characters!

Last year I failed- stopped after about 4 days, maybe? CX but I want to try it this time. Time to get back on instagram to have a place to post it : D