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May 2024

omg I can tell i'll love it from the title, it sounds so cozy! I'll definitely check it out! It's unusually rare to meet romance novelists on here btw lol

Have a daily comic strip called The Experiment check it out, subscribe let me know if you like it or if you don't either way is cool with me. The Experiment2

Just subbed; quite the emotional roller coaster of a first chapter! And I like that you've set the expectations without revealing too much in the story details box; I always like to know what I'm going into, but hate having the whole story spoiled at once.

Here's the novel I'm working on right now.

Just subscribed and will read whenever I have the time.
For who's interested, here's my story. It's an action fantasy with a romantic story as second plot. It's written in European style (so no isekai) and is slow-paced since I focus very much on the world building. If you like overpowered protagonists, fated romance, gods, demigods, serious magic systems, battles... well this is definitely for you.

This is JUST my cup of tea, expect me in the comments lmao. Btw, the banner's incredible. May I ask how you got it done? ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Description definitely sounds like something I would like! I'll be checking it out as soon as I can, but till then, I'll sub right away!