4 / 7
May 2017

My style is a bit unique in the sense that i dont like doing line-art with pen brushes. Instead, i use clean sketch lines as my line art.
I like the rough sketchy look much better, and it just works for me. So i wanted to know, is my style good enough for comics?
I've drawn some test panels to see. Ive tried doing line-art, and it just doesn't come out right. As you can see, Anime and manga heavily influence my style, and i like rough painting alot. Im not a fan of the solid lines, but for some reason i feel like there is a "comic standard"

I dont know if such a standard exists, much like there are standards for manga.

  • created

    May '17
  • last reply

    May '17
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your art is definitely 'comic worthy' - in that, it looks good. really good. thats really the only standard, particularly in webcomics. a unique style is all the better. id definitely read a comic that has art like yours.

i particularly like the messy-ish lines in this piece though, they go really well with the shading and colours you use

there is a comic standard, mainly due to the history of big industries like DC and Marvel having a house style. but these days, theres been a boom of new, more interesting styles in comics and especially in webcomics an interesting style is a big plus

all that said, id recommend working on the gesture in your drawings, since that gets really important in giving life and motion to a comic. proko's videos on gesture and line-of-action.com 's practice tools really helped me.

While this is standard for major companies, like superhero comics or manga, for the most part, a comic can have what ever style possible to be "comic worthy".

I recommend checking out books like "The Best American Comics" (collection of indie comics) or "Flight" (collection of webcomics) to see that comics can have a very large range of styles.

I also recommend you look up Yoshitaka Amano and Daisuke Igarashi.

i dont think there's any real standard for webcomics. potentially anything can work if you make it, so go ahead. the only thing you should worry about is whether or not your style is workable for you for a long term project.

tbh the thing i like about webcomics is bc they dont look like regular comics, to me they look more like single art posts than printed comics, everything is so diverse and original it amazes me (and when I find a comic that looks like them im just sleepingsleepingsleeping)

SO HECK YEA YOUR STYLE IS COMIC WORTHY i'm in love with the 2nd one btw the one without lineart holy moses

Yes. Yes, your art is good enough. It would have been good enough if you'd drawn stick-figures in black and white. Webcomics are nice like that; you don't have to live up to anybody else's arbitrary standard.

Do the thing. Make the comic.

100% comic worthy. I enjoy your style a ton. The fact that it doesn't follow the comic standard is a good thing. It'll make your art stand apart from the crowd. I would honestly love to read a comic that looks like this, so please let us know if you end up posting something here.