4 / 7
Dec 2024

I think patron is the only option at pur size XD. I feel ya tho

sure, why not!? if your readers are willing to pay to read your comic/novel then more power to ya buddeh!

i dont have any tips cause no one payin to read mine lololololol :joy: :yum:

good luck and hope you become madly rich with your comic!! wohooo

I unlocked monetization a few months ago. Since then I've made ~$0.25, which is 1% of the minimum amount needed to withdraw funds. It's not a big deal. During the same time I had 1 new person become a paying member of my Patreon and that's made way more even though it's still not much. I've had about 19k views since unlocking monetization, FWIW.

I hope you're not in it for the money!