41 / 41
Oct 2024

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Nope I think over thinking is soooo normal I did it so back I fell off my schedule and then went to the hospital on they day I need to release my next chapter (that I had not wrote yet soooooooo yeah its all good!)

@Krysteena I have to wonder if you even read the post. 🧐 This is not a promotional thread, so if you have nothing relevant to say, please refrain from dropping your link.

@BreeBaxter Maybe try for Cox kind of response.

"Terminally online huh?"

"In this day and age, you're not? What grandchild would want to visit you?"

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

look if he's bugging you just don't respond or just block if you can

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I've been in this forum for a year now, and I'm actually shocked because I never once received those "collabs" DMs!
And I mean, if they can't give you details, never indulge them any longer. :cry_02:

I'd be the kind to be excited over collabs, especially if they're legit. So, it does sound pretty dangerous if they want to scam you! Avoid weird links! Very sus! :cry_01:

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