75 / 102
Aug 2021

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! you got him on that so well! hahahah he loves his hat xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!

Her hair's a little too long in the back and I envisioned the shoes being blue, but beyond that, this is awesome!


Holy crap!!!
I've literally never had anyone make fanart for me. Thanks! I love it! That facial expression is priceless!
Also, your cursive is way better than mine. Bawhahaha.

I love this!! Thanks so much! Can I feature this in my comic?

IT will be a shout out to you :slight_smile:
I wil feature it when I'm done with all the updates

This looks amazing, I love it so much! Thank you!! Would you be alright with me sharing your art on my instagram story? (with credit ofc!)