71 / 102
Aug 2021

Oprah can smell your blood and she will hunt you down if you disobey her

All jokes aside, that looks wonderful! It almost looks like one of those old WWI posters encouraging people to enlist in the Air Force or something like that, and I’m a sucker for that kind of thing. Thank you so much!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! you got him on that so well! hahahah he loves his hat xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!

Her hair's a little too long in the back and I envisioned the shoes being blue, but beyond that, this is awesome!


Holy crap!!!
I've literally never had anyone make fanart for me. Thanks! I love it! That facial expression is priceless!
Also, your cursive is way better than mine. Bawhahaha.

I love this!! Thanks so much! Can I feature this in my comic?