21 / 40
Oct 2024

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...

Daimonji on fire off the shoulder of Higashiyama... I watched yattai glitter in the dark on Nakasu Island.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...

Time to be repressed and unexpressive.

I remember this ad! It's barely a commercial. It's like someone recorded their kids' daily lives and slapped a Happy Set logo in the corner

11 months later

“If anime good and based, why actual asian people so dumb and boring?”

Please reconsider basically everything.

"Wallace and Gromit are great. Why aren't British people really made of plasticine?"
It's a cartoon, it's not necessarily going to be a documentary. And you're really going off presumptions and stereotypes here

So you’re asking why is a group of people not acting like how you want them to act.

You are aware that anime and manga is fictional and every Japanese person any person of any race have their own personalities.

My mother went to Japan for a religious mission before she married my dad. I talked with her about this and she said that these preconceived notions about the Japanese are absolutely false.

Wow. As a Japanese person, this post is extremely racist. This person needs to reevaluate themselves.

Yeah, agreed. Thank you (: as soon as he started talking about samurai and ninjas I was like, "oh here were go..." If he said that to me irl I'd have been like, "excuse me, come again?" lol

German comics are sloppily drawn? Ohhhhhh, that explains why I have so many German followers on instagram, they see me as one of their own... Yeah I've noticed that Germans tend to have a very loose style of art...

Here are 3 examples of typical german style comics which
everybody knows here and were popular in the 80s and 90s and
are still popular now.
I was reading those comics too when
I was a kid and then discovered franco/belgian, italian, spanish
and later american and japanese artists and thought that german
artists kind of suck. I didn´t know Heinrich Kley at that time, HK was
an amazing german artist who inspired Walt Disney and a lot of other
great german artists.

Wow, those are some funky artstyles, I like them! Very expressive, especially the top one, way more preferable than the tons of cookie cutter anime style comics today. Although I go for an exaggerated cartoony artstyle as well, and I have yet to learn how to draw properly too, so maybe I'm biased...

No lie, there are some days where I want to draw my stuff in this loose / suggestive way simply because it's how I doodle for fun.

Those vibrant characters are more about creativity than real-life expression.