326 / 368
Jul 2021

Still on a few busy days, so didn't get as much work done. I did work in the comic every day, staying true to it and all that, but didn't work on it for as long as I usualy do. As a result, didn't finish the page today, as I should have, but I'm not that bothered by it. What I've spent the past few days doing is definitely worth shaking things up for a bit, not only that, but I made progress on my shading technique. I still got a long way ahead of me, but it does feel good to make progress, even if just a step at a time.

(didn't even get started on shading the rest of the page, so not that much to show for it, but I'm happy with the "panel" I did do)

Sooo... forgot to post for a while, sorry :sweat_smile:
Still keeping up with the challenge, though! Here's a summary of what I did in these last days:
-Finished and uploaded page 52;
-Worked on page 53, finished it and uploaded it on Patreon and ComicFury;
-Converted page 52 and 53 into vertical format, uploaded them to both Tapas and Webtoons;

-Today: started to work on the thumbnails/page layout for both page 54 and 55;

I did take a couple of days off (one 'cos I got my second dose of Covid-19 vaccine, another one 'cos it was my birthday :D) but other than that... making progress :grin:

Here's a preview from page 53:

Days 27 & 28 of the Comics Challenge! Inspirational quote below is from an old fortune cookie I got. How wonderful it is to be able to work our comics each day.

Every day there's sad news, but each day itself is glad news.

Below are some character sketches I did from today and yesterday. Gonna fix up the first one tomorrow.

Finished the page I was working on today, right on schedule. Tomorrow, I'm going to deal with scanning and color-correcting and all the other digital work, and thumbnailing the next few pages. May use the 30th and 31st to do worldbuilding or working on the chapter two script. We'll see.

Working on a page that It's very 'imagery': I'm drawing a pair of struggling hands in a large panel. (they are hard to emote).

getting back on the bike, my birthday then 2nd vaccine jab have had me off my feet for a while.

Got my scanning done, on to the very start of a brand new batch of pages: cutting up paper!

I start off with big sheets of Strathmore's 500 series 2-ply plate finish Bristol board (yes, I AM that specific about my paper...), which is 23 x 29 inches, and from which I can get 3 11x17 pages, plus some useful scraps.

First I measure and mark out the page sizes...

And then I cut them apart very carefully with an X-acto knife!

Haven't posted an update in a couple of days cause I usually do it at night and I've been working late on my job and when I'm done I'm so tired I just wanna sleep. BUT I haven't stoped working on the comic at all, here are some more panels I have done:

The second to last is not ready yet.

I'm almost done with this episode, still got a big panel though but after that is just smaller ones that can be done quickly. I feel confident that I can finish it before the challenge ends.

Hi there! Love your character's design. So many cool details from the flames, to the boots, to the shoulder pads.

Oh, at the fabric store. (JoAnn, if you're somewhere that has them.) I forget how much it was, but I get a lot of use out of it, so it doesn't really matter.

Thx. Yeah, I have two small ones I got for free...but I used them so much that they're super worn out.