350 / 368
Jul 2021

Woah, it's already near the end! Time really flies!!

Spending the last days of July to finish the last episode of this season and add the finishing touches to this month's short animation :smile:

There're still a few things left undone, but we managed to hit most of our key targets this month.
Next month will be a lot more chill, cuz we'll start hiatus to sort out some personal things, learn new skills & build a buffer for next season!

Day 31, the final day of the July Comics Challenge! Thank you guys for doing this challenge with me. :heart:️Everyone is so kind here and I loved following what you worked on all month. Congrats to everyone who participated! :bouquet::trophy:

August is too busy for me to continue the challenge, but you are all welcome to. :slight_smile:

For the last day of the challenge, I have a finished illustration and a WIP illustration of my characters.

I got some script work for Chapter Two done yesterday, so my plan is to continue that today. I reeeeeally need to get that done.

The final day of the challenge! Yesterday I worked an hour 30 minutes and today I worked 2 hours thirty and by finishing these panels and putting it all together in illustrator I finished the episode! It was supposed to be done in just two weeks but it took me almost the whole challenge but still, it feels like an accomplishment. It was fun doing this challenge and sharing my progress through it, thanks @gabriellabalagna for coming up with it =P

2 weeks or 4 weeks, it's still a big accomplishment. Thanks for joining the challenge!

@gabriellabalagna I want to thank you for making this thread, even though I had problems doing what I wanted to focus on here, it was still incredibly useful for me personally and interesting to check on other creators as well :slight_smile: even if there won't be a thread like this anymore, I will try to go on and keep myself in check about my everyday plans.

You're so welcome! Yeah, it was kinda nice having a thread that helped developed a daily routine. If I ever do another challenge this year, I'll let you guys know. :slight_smile: All the best in your endeavors.

I also want to say thank you for this challenge! I hope you continue it! It's because of this challenge it gave me the courage to start my comic again. :blush: Thanks so much for this challenge. I really appreciated it.

I'm thinking the same! Working consistently on things I love (i.e. besides work) isn't something I'm good at. But thanks to this I've managed to stick to a more regular routine. Checking out everyone else's works was also fun and eye-opening!

Thanks again for hosting this challenge @gabriellabalagna and thanks everyone for supporting this :grin:

O damn, it's over, isn't it? Well, I very nearly finished a page in 3 days, (despite not being home to work on it for one of these days). It was really cool, and I appreciate the thread.

Thank you!

@KiabIce So happy for you Kiab! Glad the challenge helped you out.

@vvodbow Yes, I'm terrible with routine. My schedule is always fluctuating, so this challenge was nice for a change. You're welcome.

@FafasMcMelt You're welcome! Yeah, can't believe it's over.

Okay, so I don't have much experience critiquing a script, but I'll do my best.

PROS: The story is pretty easy to follow. It seems to cover a good amount for its length. Good intro, middle, and ending. I like how you aren't following the 9 panel grid too rigidly, but instead altering it some.

CONS: Page 5 is a little sudden and the ending feels abrupt. Tara's narration sometimes sounds awkward. It sounds like she's just talking to herself or stating the obvious sometimes. But I'm terrible at dialogue, so not sure how to improve this. Lastly, I'm unsure what the title means.

Overall, it's really well written. Hope this feedback is helpful!

Thanks! this is definitely helpful!

as for the title, I was trying to give the vibe of "alien dimension". the "Scape" suffix is usually associated with big, wide locations in words like landscape or cityscape, but when you pair it up with certain words you get the meaning of a whole other dimension - see dreamscape or mindscape. the "Xeno" part was because it makes it sound inherently alien, since its used in a lot of alien related words, like xenomorph. but it also means "foreign or unknown", which is exactly what Tara is afraid of, and exactly the fear that this place makes her confront. so ends up meaning "foreign place" basically.
looks like this association game doesn't always work though lmao