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Oct 2024

This is just for fun. In “I’m the Villainess’ Little Sister who doesn’t even matter, so don’t give me a disaster flag too!” the characters have talents or control over the elements. Which ONE talent would you like to have control over by just reading the name.

1. Fire
2. Ice
3. Water
4. Light
5. Darkness
6. Earth
7. Wind
8. Wood/plants
9. Animal
10. Time

If you are an artist, please share a drawing of you or your character wielding the talent of your choice.

  • created

    Oct '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 14


  • 262


  • 1


  • 18


As the writer of the story, I would choose the Wood talent, so I can grow edible plants anytime I want and save money on ingredients. The fruits would also always be ripe.

Water since it’s versatile. I can attack with water and ice, make mist to keep hidden and retreat if need be,water usually healing properties . I could also control plants and as a last resort control the human body.

I've always liked Fire Element!! :smile: And I feel like Brandon would be so fitting to wield fire, considering his temper! Here's a very rough sketch!

Time, If I control time, I will become a billonarie, thanks to the fact that I returned in time and invested in Apple and Amazon.

What element does shape-shifting fall under?

Hmmm... :thinking:

Hmm, maybe animals are already my thing? Here is a drawing of me with butterfly wings

Time. I want to stop time so that I can do all the things I want without having to worry about deadlines and work hours, etc.

Ooh! This is fun. I’d probably choose wind. Then I could fly 🧚‍♂️
Realistically though, if I ended up in your world, I’d probably get something useless as usual. Like earth. Or animal but only the power to attract mosquitoes. :sob: