1 / 21
Jan 2017

Nice one mate !, yeah, that show you kids the importance of double checking

Did you just put a comma after an exclamation mark?

hasn't silent horror z already been featured too??? like give some new comics a chance ny'all

lol I've glossed over that feature. It's been featured before and the series isn't my cup of tea so I didn't even bother reading the front page description of it lol

Michael might just have a stash of banner features to use when he gets booged down with stuff to do (tipping feature). This banner is definitely probably a reuse from October's batch of features.

I believe they've just been recycling the premium comics. Everything repeated lately has been a premium comic, which I understand since that's where they get their money. I do hope they feature some new stuff soon too, though, premium or not.

(Also this is still a funny catch lol)

Us forum mods have no control of what happens on the main site. This enters into the staff's realm. They'd have the power to change it, though this feature has been up for a day or two so there's probably only 1 day left in this banner's 3 day feature rotation.

I've counted it being featured at least five times already.... getting kinda tired of your shit tapastic...

Yeah, there are a few series that have been featured more than once. Lately they've been going through their Tapas-app exclusive series again so I think they're just waiting to get some more banners in (either that or they're busy and just haven't had a chance to refresh it with something new). Hell, I've seen "Down the Upward Spiral" featured like, 20+ times already (seems like it goes up every time they're about to switch the banner, it's only ever up for a few hours... anyone else experience something like this?) It's kinda been bugging me IMO because I'd like to be able to see some new series up on the banner that don't require coins and keys to read. I mean, I get it, Tapastic is trying to promote their app, which is all well and good, but it almost feels like the standard creators who aren't a part of the program are running out of options for promotion in favor of these "premium" series. I mean, they already have tons of promotion space on the app, can we at the very least have the banner space on the desktop site? Eh. That's just me. I'm done rambling lol They can do what they want.

TL ; DR: This isn't the first time Tapastic has reused their old features, it happens. I noticed the "Just in time for the Halloween season" thing too though, got a good chuckle out of it xD

Yeah, I'm not talking about it being featured again, I didn't mean to sound like I was talking about that and was not intending to start up a conversation on re-featuring series xD

It was the fact that they didn't bother to change the text in when putting it up again that I was commenting on, which is weird when it has time specific mentions like "Just in time for Halloween" when the year just started AND 'highly anticipated' since well... it's already out and has been for a while, no one is anticipating this anymore...

I just think it's kinda lazy (but kinda funny) that they're not bothering to check that stuff when re-featuring series

@UzukiCheverie Nope its not just you who's experienced the ghost called "Upward The Downward Spiral." That seems to be Staff's default banner whenever they are changing up who's being featured on the front page and it too bugs me whenever I see it because it always disappears just as soon as it came almost as though Tap doesn't want us to know it exists. XD