144 / 4476
Jul 2021

Gone live today!

Aster and his loyal Land Dragon Makna travel the land of Telania searching for the mysterious Crimson Lady. While on his quest Aster acts as a medium between spirit kind and humans, banishing demons and bringing balance in a quickly changing world as technology is on the rise and old gods fester in forgotten temples.

Just updated today! check it out and sub if your interested in a Sci-Fi/ Apocalyptic lgbtq story.

Hi guys!I updated my comic five days ago and I am on the 11th chapter.

It's an action comedy comic set in an african country during the pandemic era,and a gang seeks to take advantage of the crisis to expand their numbers and their territories.Can anyone stop them before there is too much chaos?
link below


Posting an update at 3pm PST today but there's plenty to catch up on in the meantime! Check it out if you like female leads, action, sci-fi, drama, or super powers! :fire:

Thanks! That is awesome that you studied Game Design. I studied Media Art & Animation, there was some classes for game design but mostly for 2d and concept/character design. A lot of my comic ideas came from stuff I work on from school.

@LouisMihael ur welcome and thanks my friend :slight_smile:
Awesome stuff! Yea always makes learning fun when you can apply them Realtime to personal projects. Media and Art sounds cool too as I imagined you guys were exposed to a multitude of digital software. Masters was pure game design (FIEA) but for bachelors we got the option to take other media and visual art classes. Hopefully they introduce more 3d at your school especially with unreal and unity being easily accessible these days. The 2d game fits in with your comic art style too! I look forward to all your digital experimentations for future episodes then :smiley:

Just posted chapter 28 of my comic which leads to the conclusion of the second arc of the story.

A new episode of my weekly Sunday series, Capture the flag.

It's a few days old, but I recently (last Friday) updated chapter 30 of my novel. Nice round number

I just got a new episode uploaded this morning! :smiley:

new episode is up :3

New episode is out :slight_smile:
Take a look :slight_smile:

Just updated mine!

Apogee updated today! Check it out!

(panel from today's update)

Chapter 10 of The Escape came out today! Updated every Monday and Friday. :heart:

New page just dropped check it out!

Just published the last part of the first plot arc today, with illustration!

Chapter 4 of my novel The Assassin Omega just came out today!!!

I also have a new series about animals called The Zoo Files that will be updating almost daily!

Just uploaded a chapter that's about the backstory of one of the characters, we even made a new cover for it which you can see below. So come check it out and tell me how feel about it.