1 / 14
Sep 2020

I haven't been looking at my sub count for a few days now and it's been great. I don't have to worry about whether I'm growing or not, and I get to just reply to comments. Comics feel less like gaining numbers, and more like just making jokes. What do you think of worrying about subs?

  • created

    Sep '20
  • last reply

    Sep '20
  • 13


  • 716


  • 13


  • 60


I've been doing the same. Mainly because I'm on hiatus and also because I'm still working on my first chapter redraw. I don't really want any new people lookng at my work, at least my first chapter, because it's about to change in a few months.

It is way less stressful when not looking at the sub counts and still gives that refreshing surprise when you get a random sub out of nowhere.

I've only gotten one sub in the last few days but I've been so busy with my internship it hasn't really bothered me! As long as I get a few views and maybe a like or two a day that's good enough for me.

Not worrying about subs is the best tbh. I always hate when I get caught up in caring since its so much better to just let it go~ :cry_02:

It's easy to not care about getting more subscribers when you actually have subscribers? Especially ones that acknowledge the existence of your work?

Well, colour me shocked!

Well duh. The Holy Grail is comments, not subs when you get down to it. I totally agree with you - someone being all "Ah I haven't gotten subs in a few days but the people I have always comment!!" can get sickening because of jealousy and frustration. Thing is, that's no reason to take away from someone else's gains just because you feel like crap. Don't like it, then don't read their threads, don't reply, and just go continue creating until you can be that kind of whiner. Personally I hope I can be that whiner in the next few hours, but hahaha I'd rather just sit and write than obsess.

I don't care as much as I used to. Closing the tab and not opening it 20 times a day is a great start. Logging out, so there's one more step to check, helps, too. As I've said before on this forum, I'm part of the invisible crowd. I still obsess over numbers from time to time but it's like a few hours a day every few weeks instead of a daily illness.

I don't wait for the other people to find my stuff. I post it so then I have a date of when I finished it, and if at some point someone comes in and binge reads it or starts and loves it and hits the like button a ton of time - fine. If they don't, that'll be me when I go back to re-read it in a few weeks, or when I binge read it myself.

I watch all my number multiple times every day nonstop for the 3 years I have been here. And I cry and I joy for every ups and downs.
It is my heartbeat.

But I do not get frustrated. I accept what it is and I always think of creative ways to promote my work and myself.
And sub for sub is for me the most less creative idea.
I do other fun stuff. You would have noticed me if I did them right

Good to see :slight_smile:I'm more on the novel side but I'd like to try doing a comic when I finish my current project.

I spent the early years as a part of a Writing site worrying about reads so much that it ate me.

Nowadays, I have kind of accepted that not many people will read my work especially when it is kind of niche and the closest genre it might have is deemed boring, or does not have the same amount of readership as the least popular genre here. And I suck at marketing.

I resort to critiques to gain feedback and comments. I'm not really sure about subs, because sometimes I'm won't be able to tell if people do read my work unless I see comments.

It is kind of lonely seeming like the only one to care about these people in your stories and what happens to them.

Sub 4 Sub is not so bad in the beginning, especially if you serve a not so popular genre and have only few social media contacts, otherwise you disappear completely in the abundance of projects here. I have gained some subscribers who regularly comment and read my episodes, of course there are others. I also read and rate all my subscribers every day. Later, you're right, it's better not to focus on the number of subscribers or readers or likes, but to work and post new episodes regularly. Artists need attention, but it can also prevent them from being creative and focusing on that alone.

It's true, I'm also comment on the things I enjoy now, since I know now it could help someone to get better and recognize their own value

I love reading the comments on my updates :cry_01: numbers on views don't do much for me as I can't interact with it.
I also haven't been looking at them for 7 months and never noticed the changes unless I saw a comment or a new sub notification.
It takes away a lot of the stress from "growing" as a creator on a platform.
In the end, I just love it when my work resonated with my readers.
Fame and fortune are too much of a burden in reality :confused: