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Feb 2022

I'm more of a writer than an artist, but it's still something I enjoy and try to improve on. But, I still hate coloring, lol. I've always struggled with finishing things because of the coloring and I hate painting in color, but I'm alright with grayscale paintings so I usually just do that and then use layers to add color and it works well enough.

What do you all struggle with or just dislike doing?

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anything that requires technical detail like medical equipment
that is no fun only cold hard facts

Yeah, I hate that. Probably why I hate doing BGs. My bro's an architect so technical stuff's all he drew in school and I have no idea how he managed that for years.

oh god all the mathematical accuracies you have to make in architectural stuff...
at least with other arts you can say 'looks about right' and move on haha
props to him for handling all that

To be fair, I found technical drawings a LOT easier after I gave up on lineart :stuck_out_tongue: (You still have to pay attention to correctness of the overall structure (which I personally enjoy and don't mind), but the standards for correctness in details goes down if everything's sketchy :D)

So yeah, my answer to this question would be "making clean lineart" XD

Right? And you have some room to fudge up depending on your style. Technical stuff is like, you mess up one little thing and you can tell.

@TheLemmaLlama People who make good, clean lineart are to be feared, lol.

Ah, but see, even technical stuff can be fudged with sufficiently loose lineart! Case in point:7

Depends imo. If your commitment to clean lineart prevents you from drawing more difficult subjects, then I say joke's on you. But if you have clean lineart AND have no trouble drawing difficult subjects, then YOU ARE NOT HUMAN O_O

But that comes down to style. If you're doing technical stuff, but you have a more sketchy style, then it's fine to be loose with the accuracy. The details kinda get lost in the bigger picture.

And yes, I dunno what these beings that can do both are, but they are definitely not human and they scare me.

When drawing a cliff face, I have a hard time trying to make it look realistic. I suppose that’s the hard part: trying to draw naturalistic scenery.

I suppose another thing I dislike about drawing is the depiction of realistically violent scenes. One would think that it would be best not to include them, but I personally think that I should. Too little of them, and you risk turning what you hoped what would be a serious, mature work, into a faerie story, where there’s no pain or suffering. Too much and you could attract attention from the wrong sources. That said, they are extremely hard to do convincingly and from a photograph reference.

I second (third?) the technical stuff. My style is a bit on the messy side (and I shortcut a lot by using black to shadow over a lot of the details) so the part of detailing isn't as bad. The boring part for me is having to go find references of whatever technical thing I want to draw. The process is just tedious :sweat:

Personally, I really dislike drawing cars, planes, tanks, ships and practically any other manned vehicle. Probably because I have next to zero practice with drawing those.

Defiantly feet and shoes idk why but its always something I struggle with so i'll crop out of the drawing most of the time or using something that covers it :cry_01:

Clip Studio closing for the 100th time while in the middle of working on an illustration.

It may be silly but, when I draw the second eye of my ocs, in a certain direction it seems that there is no symmetry.

Backgrounds. It's always backgrounds for me. Even with my artist, she hates backgrounds too and wants to get a background artist lol.

Actually, same. The 'figuring stuff out' part when starting a drawing is always the hardest part >_< Out of what's actually part of my drawing process these days, this is probably my least favourite part :'D

How to make my character stand out! I just draw plain clothing and basic movement. :sob:

I love it all, I´m not good at everything that comes before and after the penciling part but
pencils are my thing. I have the feeling of being able to draw everything I want and if I´m not
able then it´s a puzzle and there is a solution. So my least favorite parts are the ones that
I don´t understand yet or have not practiced enough. Coloring is one of it, I´m able to
destroy the most beautiful picture in seconds :smiley: