13 / 26
Feb 2022

Aww that's sweet of you to say! I love seeing all this love in this thread!

Now these two are not a couple but Zalken clearly has a crush on Cleobelle
which Cleobelle uses to manipulate to her advantage in order to use him (But who knows, Time spend together can change a lot things)

These two are... Husband and Wife, Nathan and Amina.
A devoted housewife with her low-life cheating husband.
Two mentally disturbed individuals where your left wondering who's more messed up between the two.
These two are the symbol of fatal attraction and "love" truly hurts

In my non-romance comic, there's a pair of young gardeners (background characters) not yet expressing their love for each other. :wink:

JUST finished this, now a tiny bit belated for Valentine's Day. Alas, I can't show the whole image, because it's a leeeeeettle bit NSFW. So have a crop of just the top half.

Rachna and Anjali, two characters from an old Exalted game. Markers, because apparently I am a crazy person. Yes, my hand is sore.

1 month later

closed Mar 17, '22

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