I'm gonna answer with my Beelzebub, as she is the demon of gluttony
Beelzebub: how can someone make me choose? all food in Hell is delicious, and on Earth, and Heaven's not bad too. Hmm... these giant doghnuts I'm eating on the pic are really delicious; Hell has very different sauces and this doghnuts have different fillings, the one I am eating on the pic has red chocolate and different Tenem Unkla's (Hell's dark Jungle) fruit souces; it is delicious! some are made for lunch too, with not so sweet flavours and...
Lucifer: let's stop her here because she could spend all day talking about just this particular food.
As the Scarlet Spellcaster Omari Osei:
"I ain't never had anything that beat out the barbecue my old man used to make. The whole neighborhood used to come round when he brought the grill out. Last time I got to eat with him, he handed me a bottle of Jack and man, I couldn't believe it. Like, it was the missing piece of a perfect puzzle. Next time I'm home, after this whole search is over and I'm exponentially richer with the Relic in my hand, Imma have him show me how he does it."
"I got a few stories. One day, me and the other kids in the neighborhood were playing cards. Little money on the line, enough to get you some food from the corner store. Wanted to impress this girl that came round once in a while and, when the cards were dealt, I didn't look at em. I just said "All in". Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, I was, and called my bluff. Wasn't thinking with the right head and I lost triple what I had. End up having to give up my shoes and walked home barefoot. Found out later she was with some other kid 4 blocks over. Tried to be the cool guy I see in movies, ended up looking like a stooge. Lesson learned, if you're gonna bluff, don't do it for a girl."
Alright, gonna try to respond to a couple of people in this one.
@littlelilylee5683: No problems with a little innuendo here and there.
@sefra114: My god, Bally sounds like my wife and I trying to decide what to get for dinner. Deciding is the hardest part!
@BarBarKetrab: That "trees" answer caught me off guard and made me want to check out your story. I audibly laughed when I read it.
@DreamyPastel: I always enjoy seeing multiple characters bounce off one another. One of the best ways to show personality is to have a character react to someone else. Good stuff.
Another batch of encouraging comments, here we go!
@blakestackman: You know you have a drinking problem when you consider drinking to be eating! Very funny.
@jasperwhiteheart: I am a little worried cannibalism was brought up... what happens to Wen to bring that up? I'll need to check your book.
It's been about five days since the last question. I am still working my way through responding to each post, but I think my favorite response was by @Kittyfox, whose Aerith seems to have had a really nasty experience as a kid. Children can be so cruel.
Anyway, time for a new question!
Question #3 (in-character response): "What is a common expression in your culture?"
As always, I will go first with my character Fang: "'Another calm Aurin night' always struck me as funny - Aurin is far from calm, especially at night. I believe that's considered to be an oxymoron? I don't know. I was just a guard, not a wordsmith - I think that is what they are called."
A different character this time
Maceo -
There really aren't many I think of but whenever some staff talk about something they like to use "like the second princess" as a synonymous phrase for "sticking out like a sore thumb" and I absolutely hate it, how dare they talk about my captain that way . But then Wen told me not to waste my time on people like them.
If I catch them saying such stuff about my captain again...
I'll do all three so far, why not.
"What is the best food you ever ate?"
Kovreil: "Honestly, I could say any meal I've had with my fiancé Modrian. Once, while I was training my ass of to master my magic, he stubbornly fought with me to make me eat lunch while I refused to take care of myself. I don't care much about how my food tastes. I've eaten everything from rotten food out of the garbage to gourmet meals prepared in the royal kitchen, but any meal I eat with him will always be better than the last. Wow, that sounded disgustingly cheesy."
"What is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you as a child?"
Kovreil: "Embarrassing? I didn't think about what others thought of me. I just did whatever I wanted unless my mom got mad. Though, while my brother was teaching me the basics of magic, I used to get really irritated when I couldn't land a single hit on him during our sparring matches. It drove me to improve though, so I can't complain."
"What is a common expression in your culture?"
Kovreil: "A question you'll hear anywhere on the continent is 'What's your blood?'. It's like asking 'Where are you from?' except it really has to do with what side of the war you're on and how much respect you'll get. Each side has allied countries and the big two that started it all -- Jumor and Melkambria -- carry the most weight. Someone like me who's mixed between them can never give a short answer. If we're talking about where I grew up, in Melkambria you'd often hear well-wishes by the moon goddesses whenever people left the village on a hunt or someone fell ill."
Q1: What is the best food you ever ate?
Chion: Philly cheesesteak and corn dogs are the best. I always order them at any restaurant I go to. And my pet, Kobi, always loves carrots and celery. Kobi has a better diet than me.
Kobi: squeak "You should add more veggies"
Q2: What is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you as a child?
Chion: Please don't ask me that. I don't want to talk about it.
Kobi: shows a picture of his cousin, Loura, put on tiny pigtails on the hair of then 8-year old Chion and laughs
Chion: Eggh! That's not funny, Kobi!
Q3: What is a common expression in your culture?
Chion: Since I'm from Japan, we say Konichiwa which is hello in Japan.
Nice to meet you @hpkomic
I'm late to the party so answering question 3
"What is a common expression in your culture?"
Evan Moriarty- well.. there's that ol' Heavensea saying I dig... Just be Bird About It! It's like all.. go with the flow, have no barriers. Well that kind of thing! Check it out. Got those words slapped right on my bedroom door!
[Heavensea is the story's fictional country]
gave you a sub, also working on a story that draws from dark fantasy setting (on the spoiler side). Lycan stories always seem rare compared to vampires so It's always fun to see more. Fun fact -my comic started as a game idea about vampires vs werewolves vs zombies vs gods but the story evolved to better suit the in-universe rules. The gritty theme remains and many supporting characters echo their classic monster counterparts. Overall it's also about 3 heroes whose newfound power is both an asset and a curse. In my case they are carriers of a zombie strain that quickly mutates the masses. Hope it sounds interesting & I look forward to more of yours
Hey all, it has been a while, but real life gets in the way sometimes.
Question #4 (in-character response): "What is the worst injury you have ever recovered from?"
Fang: "Narrowing it down to a single injury is a bit difficult. The most fatal injury I survived was having my gut slashed open by a razorclaw - a large, scythe-clawed serpent. A warlord had one imported and raised it to go for the gut. I managed to kill it and I spent a few days in a mercenary camp scooping in my intestines and waiting for healing magicks to take hold."
"The injury that lingers most, though, is an old break... Well, 'break' is understating it a bit. I broke an arm in six places. Long story. I still feel it when it gets cold. The whole arm throbs."
Adi: "Worst injury? I've had my share. I've been slashed and shot and stabbed, been caught in too many bar brawls, thrown from a horse... Worst one, I think, was catching a necromancer's soul-stealing dagger to the liver. It didn't steal my soul for... reasons... but it's still a dagger to the liver. Hurt so bad I could hardly move. I don't think I'd have survived that without the healing potion, and it was still a few days before I could get out of bed."
Alist Glassheart:
I wouldn't call it an injury but it's more of a habit. It's my excessive slouching. After escaping from the abusive orphanage I was in, I ignored the warnings about the child labor and forced myself to work illegally in a construction site shouldering heavy bricks. Didn't care but as long as I have the money, back pains don't matter. Only when I adjusted to a new school did I felt bothered and misunderstood as unsure of what I mean. Posture was something that dictates one's confidence in interactions with others.
Even until now, I have to use my Volitional Blood Beckon skill to straighten my spinal cord so I'll never go back to that burdening habit. I guess this is a physical and mental injury.
I will answer as my omega werewolf Cam:
"I am a big meat lover, because not only do I prefer savory foods, but it is also great for bulking up. There is this really fancy steak house a couple hours from our pack lands where my brother Nico goes to college. When I went to visit him last year, he took me there and the ribeye was to die for! So tender I could cut it with a butter knife. Ulg! It was simply a 'cut' above the rest."
My story is written in first person from Cam's perspective, so it is always easiest to just go with his responses.
"Well, I live in America, South Carolina to be exact, and I've never been outside of the state, so I'm not really sure what would be considered weird to a different culture. I heard a woman in a grocery story once say she was going to 'Blister your hide' to her son. I thought this was really weird, because humans don't have hides. Humans also say 'Oh my god' quite a lot, which is weird, because all the deities I know about are women. I guess they worship men? I think the witch equivalent of this expression is 'Oh Mother help me', because they worship Mother Earth, but werewolves just say 'Oh my goddess'."
If Alastair, my warlock love-interest, was answering, he would say, "Spoilers!"
Cameron might say, "I'm basically invincible, so... I don't know. Strep throat? Oh no! I know mono! That was the worst! I felt terrible for a solid week straight. Starlight gave it to me and I have never forgiven him for it!"
"What is the best food you ever ate?"
My MC, Jessie:" The best food I've ever eaten, has to be when my hot roomie- I meant Cherry made me a delicious mexican egg dish. That had was tortilla, salsa, and cheese in it. Ummh- my mouth is water at the thought of her cooking, and it was so worth it! I'd repeat that embrassing day just eat that dish again."