1 / 45
Dec 2019

It's the end of the decade, let's be self indulgent for a bit. What cliches and tropes have been done time and time again, yet you still cheer with glee when you see them get used well for the umpteenth time, or even you keep putting them into stories just because of how fun it is?

Mine is the character with a super mode/removed inhibitor mode that goes berserk, but either their love interest or moral chain actually gets them to calm down or control their anger and pain where needed. Not the expected followup where someone shoots them or attacks when they're told not to attack, actually the weaker character manages to control the situation because they know the cool(er) powerful one like no one else can.

And if it's a romantic interaction or particularly deep characters, it's so fun to watch them get emotional or actually be afraid of hurting the moral chain/the moral chain is afraid of getting hurt, but they still trust each other enough to accept diplomacy. Mwah, chef's kiss.

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    Dec '19
  • last reply

    Nov '21
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I will always cheer it and will always use it

I’ve always liked the idea of schools and academies for kids with powers, but only done well. For instance, I can’t stand Sky High, but I love the way superhero schools are done in My Hero Academia. I love Harry Potter and just power or magic schools in general. I just can’t ever get myself to do it in my stories for some reason. I also really like tournament arcs if they don’t take forever to get through the matches.

Two lovers reincarnated that remember each other and their memories when they meet. Bonus points if they've remembered several past lives to imply that this love is strong and timeless.

Also the classic "Monster X Human" pair. That's the good stuff

Polar opposite duos, be it romantic or platonic. Shy nerd and out going trouble maker, monster and human, cold thinker and warm doer, studious hard ass and carefree slacker, ect. I'm a sucker for these kinds of pairings they are just fun to read about when they interact.

The "emo, sad, depressed goth that likes wearing black is soft for the literal ray of sunshine" trope. This is just

chef's kiss


Opposite duos are the best. Also really good at displaying that people don't have to look for a copy of themselves to identify with someone else! I also really like when the outward appearance doesn't actually have the "real" opposites, like a giant, strong but calm pacifist and a tiny but mischievous/aggressive person.

I'm a sucker for well done Cinderella stories. Extra points for when "cinderella" and "the prince" have something in common. It's just a play on the opposites attract trope but usually with some form of stakes for "cinderella."

A guy who's rough and cold on the outside, but sweet and shy on the inside. Tsundere rough guys!

Someone who gets reset (either by reincarnation, transmigration, or just getting thrown off their high horse) and having to restart their journey to power from the bottom. Stories like a fallen prince regaining his claim to his thrown, or a kicked out idol trainee becoming famous again all on their own power gets me.

Reincarnation stories in general.

Animal worlds.

Young female leads with incredible strength and/or intelligence that contradicts their age.

-Secret identities or characters who have them and have to deal with them. Especially when someone close to them finds out; gives me the feels. I also really like mysterious guy x girl who's curious for her own good, which kinda relates to the trope.
-Gentleman thieves. Something about how flashy and extra they are draws me to them. Plus they're usually mysterious and/or have secret identities, so that's a plus for me
-I think I'll just be saying what's already been said, but opposite duos are the best! Well more like contrast and compliment duos; where they're mostly different but have one thing in common. I have a duo who are best friends/travelling buddies. One of them is an immature, excitable, unrefined and kinda jerky street thief and the other is a polite, cheery and curious traveler.
-Height differences. I did this with my duo as well. Extra points if it's tall girl, short guy.
-Friend saves other friend when they're unconcscious. Good ship material.

-platonic friends. that good wholesome shit
- buddy-cop duo where one is a laid back jokester and the other one is straitlaced. Yeah, I'm basic.

The big strong dudes/girls, that make everyone fear them but just fukin love cute shit and small animals.

Characters who are pretending to be ruthless, villainous or just cold and aloof for the sake of appearances or responsibility (perhaps leaning into people already thinking they're like that because they have an unapproachable look and are high ranking or successful), but actually their heart isn't in it and underneath it all they're a just a hugely nerdy goofball and they probably have a crush on the dorky character they keep antagonising hgnnnnn yessssss gimme gimme!

f/f romances between an awkward, serious upstanding knight and a snarky witch. This is practically its own GENRE on Tapas because if there are two things lesbians love, it's lady knights and witches.

Principled character is given permission to break the rules and/or do something selfish because everyone knows, including them, that it will help them in some way, or keep them safe, but they do the right thing anyway because of principle.


Best friends who bicker about some really banal argument while fighting a bunch of monsters or minions.

-I absolutely adore the "idiot with a golden heart" trope for some reason a lot. I love when the characters seem to be shallow or idiot on the outside and they are regarded as that, but they are in fact the group's heart and soul. They are the one who will fight fiercely for their friend if there is injustice or would sacrifice their own reputation for them. This can be done really badly though if the character is reduced into a butt-monkey and doesn't get the sweet character development.

-"Soft giants" has to be one of my absolutely favorite too! The big ones (no need to even be a buff) who look a little scary or either unapproachable but are in the end the softest and the most emotionally vulnerable ones. My heart dies when they do some cute gesture and get embarrassed when they are caught doing it!

-When the character tries to be no-approachable and are either cocky, cold or smug but, in the end, are the most awkward and biggest dork in the group. This is my absolute favorite if their cool and cocky attitude is often played for laughs AND if they get character development.

Basically the trope of "someone is opposite of what they seem to be" gets me always. These are my favorite variations of it. However, if I have to be unnecessarily specific, then a trope of:

-A main character who happens to be an idiot with a golden heart and they aren't naive. They would also have a crisis in life but, through other characters, they realize that they've brightened others' lives. My unadultered wish full-fillment :sweat:

4 months later

-I love childhood friends romance :heart_03:
-Also in romance when one of them has a bad fever and the other one takes cares of them :heart_02: :heart_02:
-When the big strong guy is very gentle and even a little stupid haha

I love epic punch scenes. And also random explosions, especially if they make no sense. Like a car drives into a dumpster and then explodes xD Regular Show did this all the time. Love me those random explosions.

I like the morally grey antagonist heelturn to good. Its gotta be written well and be in line with their motivations, but its fun to see the 'villian' the audience likes turn to the protagonists side. Don't overuse his/her presence after they switch sides though.
Example is Dinobot from Beast Wars.

I'm a sucker for the classic "unusual trio unexpectedly goes on a long journey together" fantasy-type stories. Lots of potential for hilarious banter and unusual circumstances as well as incredible character development.

Also, this may be an unpopular opinion but I actually really enjoy love triangles despite how overdone and cliche they are. There's just something about seeing both the beauty and the ugliness in drastically different personalities that really does it for me.