8 / 15
Jan 2021

Hi Y'all!

TLDR at the bottom :smiley: as I like to talk and am very aware.

As MagicalMashup1! is my first long form comic (that I've posted online) I’m constantly learning new things about making comics and the most effective ways to use my time. I started creating my comics in ClipStudio (drawing and layouts), Adobe Photoshop (color correcting and formatting), and Adobe Illustrator (text placement and word bubbles) on my The Panda City Yiynova MSP19 Tablet Monitor2 hooked up to my PC at a desk. The Yiynova tablet screen monitor was my answer to Wacom’s Cintiq back in 2012, as I didn’t (still don’t) have the cash money to sink into a high end graphic display tablet. Options were still slim for anything that wasn't Wacom for graphics tablets, but some competition had started to show up. I jumped on the research wagon and decided to go with the the Yiynova display tablet from Panda City bc price and reviews by a few artist bloggers at the time.

Once I figured out how to hook everything up and got the correct drivers installed, it worked like a charm (still up and running now actually) for almost a decade (baring a few minor hiccups with updates that were sorted out through reading a few forum posts). The only thing I missed that Wacom had was the tactile feeling the screens have that makes drawing on the screen not feel like you’re drawing on slippery glass :V, butttttttt a large screen protector can help with that. The other thing I would have liked was having the customizable side buttons on the Cintiq display mirrored on the Yiynova. The Yiynova pen also wasn’t as sturdy feeling in the hand and needed a battery to operate, but I got used to it and I only changed the battery like 5 times in the time that I’ve had it so eh. For the price I paid (sub $600) those things were just slight QOL things and I was too busy being mad excited for being able to draw directly on a surface I could see my hands doing the work.

(Not the best pic of my setup, but I forgot to take a new pic for the post at home.)

As much as I love my tablet screen monitor set up at my desk and swivel arm attachment, I work a day job and spend about half of my day not at home. Once I started getting serious about making my comic and planning my time out accordingly, I just kept lamenting on how much time I could be spending between breaks and when I'm not at home getting more work done if I could travel with my tablet screen. I was chatting with a techy friend of mine who told me about the 2018 iPad2 and how it was a cheaper model of iPad that had access to the Apple Pencil. I went over to a tech store, tried out one of the displays, and fell in LOVE. Bought it my next paycheck. It is so dang neat and portable and I can go on, but yeah.

I loved it, but after drawing on a tablet screen that was 3x bigger than the new tablet it was a bit rough. Not to mention the main program I was using at the time ClipStudio does not have the best interface for small screens, so I Iooked around the App Store and that's when I found Procreate. It's not specifically geared towards creating comics like ClipStudio, but I’ve been able to use it for that purpose just fine. The creators of the Procreate app release updates with new features often enough to make a difference too and it’s a one-time buy app as well. Since using the app, they’ve added a text tool and animation assist and I look forward to what new things they decide to roll out as well. They have a community tab that has a forum and gallery too!

Since the text tool wasn’t around when I first started making the comic in Procreate, I needed to find something else besides Adobe Illustrator as I was not buying that again. That’s when I found Affinity. Affinity is comparable to the Adobe creative suite at a fraction of the cost. They have tablet and desktop versions of their apps Designer and Photo with Publisher that’s just been released for desktop. Affinity Designer was exactly what I was looking for to edit my typography for word bubble typesetting and branding. It also has vector tools as well!!! I could go on about them, and just might at a later date haha.

Even with the program switches to software with a better interface for a tablet and using the 208 iPad, the screen was still to dang small for me. I looked into upgrading and was fortunate enough to find an Ipad Pro 2017 within my budget on Swappa (I love this site for finding used tech for resale by owners as they authenticate merchandise and allow reviewing).

Upgrading to the Ipad Pro line was such a shift for my productivity. I could work on larger canvas sizes with more layers, everything loaded faster and crashes were a thing of the past. The biggest upside was of course the 12.9in screen size and amount of gigs the tablet came with, but I was also pleasantly surprised with the number of applications available for content creators that have good design and work well.

(can work on the comic like anywhere now)

There are a ton of options for creator setups and I have no idea what mines will look like a few years from now, but this is working out so far. What kind of setup do you all have for creating and what programs or tools do you use for making your comics or novels?

TLDR: I started off tied to my desk using my budget graphic display tablet with ClipStudio and Adobe products and then switched to a mobile setup using the Ipad Pro Procreate and Affinity Designer. What’s your content creator setup and what programs/tools do you use?

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Haha, I actually made the exact opposite switch! I started with an iPad Pro + Procreate and now use a cintiq 16 + clip studio paint for making Lilah's Magic Shop. I find clip studio paint to be way more efficient for making comics but I still love my ipad pro for general drawing purposes.

That's what's up! there are all kinds of folks mixing it up for sure and I love to hear about it. I love ClipStudio and it's definitely the It program I'd recommend for folks asking what's the best program for making digital comics. If it weren't for CSP being subscription-based while Adobe was also going Sub based, I probably never would have looked elsewhere program-wise.

It also happens that my style and the format I've developed for making my comics have been simplified a ton so that it's now easily doable on my iPad as opposed to the ClipStudio version that I originally started off with that had so many layers, mask, groups, folders, filters, and adjustments that made the original file sizes ridiculously huge for no reason and caused me to burn a ton of time through organizing and loading. I find the limits the iPad has compared to my pc to be just right and make it so that I think critically about what I'm adding, combining, or taking away and for now I'm digging this flow.

I started out with a wacom bamboo tablet and photoshop in 2012. I didn't end up doing as much digital art as I expected to, though, and continued to mostly do traditional work up through 2018.

2018 was when my first Tapas comic started and even then I was doing traditional line work and only coloring & speech bubble/lettering digitally. In 2019 I finally took the next step and upgrade to my first screen tablet, a Huion Kamvas GT-191 (I believe that's accurate) and man was it a huge upgrade! Not only does the screen feel much better to work with than no-screen, but it also was a huge pressure sensitivity upgrade. I finished my comic in 2019 using the same multimedia approach, but I began doing many other standalone illustrations fully digital to get used to the new tablet. Starting in 2020 I began doing almost exclusively digital work.

Most recently I've added CSP to my arsenal during the recent black friday sale. I absolutely love a lot of the features it has, including some of the newest ones from the December update (timelapse/webtoon exporting :purple_heart: )! But it's also admittedly complicated my work flow and I haven't figured out how best to use it yet :sweat_smile:

Like I still mostly prefer PS for sketching (especially due to some of the selection and transformation options that work slightly differently in CSP), but at the same time CSP's perspective grid is invaluable for setting up backgrounds. For inking I have a slight preference for PS still, although since I was able to import my custom brush to CSP it's not a strong preference. CSP is absolutely king for coloring for me now- the flatting tools it has are amazing, and it strains my system much less when using textured brushes as well! I haven't quite figured out how to do everything I want to with the fill tools, but it makes other aspects so much easier that I can't complain. Lastly for lettering, making panels, & speech bubbles, I still prefer PS.

This work flow isn't super efficient though, and some things are really frustrating, like my needing to keep a copy of the file after sketching/line art before taking it into CSP to color because it auto rasterizes my text layers when I do :X I had been wondering going into my current project what lessons it would yield me (for example, my prior project was very much just a "learn how to do comics" project), and I can see now that it'll be "optimizing my digital art work flow" lol. I think some things will iron out in time- I have only been using CSP for a month after all. But some of my biggest gripes with it are things that I've googled and... seem to be working as intended, unfortunately. But on the flip side it runs on my computer much better especially while I do things like live streaming so I think it was still a really nice pick up!

My tech setup is mostly because I've been illustrating for a while, so I already had tools, and while those tools aren't the best for comics, or what I would recommend to someone starting out--they're what I got (and I think using what you've got is just...how comics are made anyway). So I use Photoshop (I do have CSP but it's a long story, I prefer Photoshop, we're all different)

I have a huge ass monitor, so I feel like there's no need to go display tablet, and when I've used them in the past it didn't seem worth the money. After Covid's up and I can check out cheaper displays in the store, I may actually switch over later this year, just to treat myself...but probably not. I'm so good at using a intuos pro tablet it's like...I could just save 800+ dollars and not upgrade so...I may as well do that. I think this also because I'm just...older. So I grew up using tablets that didn't have displays and so it's just second nature to me.

To keep my linework consistent I do use lazyNezumi, which I love to death. It's fabulous for line smoothing and shake correction, it has a ton of rulers for perspective that are way better than any of the grids that come with other art programs, and it has just a lot of things I'll probably never use, but a great tool.

When it comes to my process in Photoshop--another thing that keeps me from jumping to CSP is that I have all of my actions over there, and I've made these custom actions over years and years, and I don't really want to redo them. They save me a ton of time when I do a page, so if I were talking to a beginner, I'd highly recommend learning about actions no matter your drawing program because comics are so repetitive, you can absolutely find something to make an action out of.

For doing flatting, I like to use a webpage called Flatton, which flats for me. I like it better than the CSP paint bucket because while both Flatton and the CSP paint bucket can't handle acute angles, at least with Flatton, I can use a brush on the dissolve setting to fix my flats on things like strands of hair or small edges. Flatton just saves me a hell ton of time--we're talking hours and hours of time.


Flatton isn't the only place that does this by the by, but it's free which is why I use it.

I am not a comic maker, but I will explain thing of what are used to make illustration.

My tech setup is a smartphone (5.99 inch screen) with the application Ibis Paint X installed in it. It is practical to make small sketches and quick illustration, while I have no proper dependable laptop.

Drawing on phone gives you mobility and privacy (people less likely peek on small screen), just don't draw boobs on public transport. The downside is the resolution is smaller and it is not as versatile as desktop drawing applications like PS or CSP. While it currently suits my need as a broke hobbyist, I would like to have a functioning laptop+tablet.

I don't use any stylus, and draw with finger instead. It has its limitations and is less flexible than using a pencil on paper, not to mention how both are basically utilizing different movements. However, I have gotten used go to it —and wrist pain who? (Wrist moves less). In Ibis paint X however, there is compability between it and some tablets (like XP-pen), so you can draw with tablet.

For line art, the stabilizer in the app helps a lot. My finger does not register as a stylus or tablet so it has no sensitivity pressure, thus my drawing naturally has no line weight. I manipulate it by retracing parts where it should be thicker or using brush of different thicknesses. It takes a longer time than the regular method I guess.

Talking about brushes, you can have premium membership or pro version of Ibis Paint X app where all premium features and/or paid brushes will be unlocked. If not, you can watch an ad to get those brush for 18 hours free. There are many brushes, but what I see is they are not as abundant as PS, SAI, CSP or Medibang. I also don't know of they allow costume-made brush. I usually only use default free brushes (felt tip pen (both), dip pen hard, dip pen soft air brush trapezoid 60%, and round brush curve). Just from my observation, the eraser brushes often come softer than their paint counterpart.

Ibis Paint X also have panelling features, and variety of fonts which some are premium. It however lack on perspective ruler and traceable assets. I have tried to make several mock comic pages with it and while it works, it may have some limitations for actual comic makers.

I think the only thing that has changed, it's that now I use manga studio for the lineart part.

I'm still using the same PC, tablet (bamboo), and photoshop version i had since 2013 lol....

I have a Huion drawing tablet, but it's the old school slate tablet, not a screen tablet. I started using the slate-style Wacom like twenty years ago, and while there was a bit of a learning curve at the time, now it's second nature to me. I've tried drawing on screen tablets and a Cintiq, but it just feels a little unnatural now. A slate tablet has more of a tactile sensation to it that I really like, plus I can still use all my keyboard shortcuts with my off-hand.

For programs, I use a combination of Photoshop and Clip Studio to do all my artwork (Clip for the perspective tools and their really smart fill tool), and Adobe Bridge to manage all my files. For 3D elements, I use TinkerCAD to build my own environments, and SketchUp Free for manipulating existing models.

I used to make my comic with my wacom bamboo fun (i still have it and it still works even after 12 years). I used photoshop for making panels, then switch to sai for lining and coloring and then back to PS for bubbles and text.

Bought csp over a year ago and I could never make comics with anything else anymore lol. Paneling and making speech bubbles is just so much easier than it was on PS. Bought a display tablet as well (cintiq 16 for 600€) because I could finally afford one. Thinking about buying ipad in the future for the purpose of sketching out new pages easily when I'm not around my regular tablet, but the price for those things is still a bit eh.... So we'll see.

Ahhh the Bamboo fun was the first tablet I bought for myself back in college! drawing while looking at my monitor and not at were my hands was was so weird haha.

I felt the same way about digital art once I got a tablet screen monitor to work on. I started drawing waaayyy more.

I LOVE all the features ClipStudio has, but that was my only issue with it too. There is so much stuff that was so useful I totally overdid pages and spent way to much time per page. I love the app I do, but it was to much a good thing can be a detriment in my case. I'm a huge fan of timelaps and glad CSP finally got that feature though and Webtoon exporting, noicceee!

Yeah I bet your system is totally thanking you for the switch. Photoshop can tear through some processing power lol. Yeah, lettering in CSP is probably one of it's weaker features if you really want to get into that typography life for your comic. The rasterizing fonts made me scream. Especially if you found a typo aaaahhhhhhhh redo the whole dang thing.

You are totally right though, you will get more optimized as you go. I find it mega helpful to set project goals as the ones you have for getting stuff done and being able to see progress from start till now. Makes it easier to see what needs improved and what's doing great!

Agreed to the max! Not having the best in slot doesn't mean you can't play the game aye! Learning to work with what you have makes you get to know all the ins and outs of said tools and use things in a way most folks wouldn't have thought of trying before. Aye no shame in this game, we totally are different, and being able to use what fits our needs to create what we want how we want is what matters most.

Yeah, the huge cash drop investment when you already have a system that works for you is a challenging thing to pro and con weigh.

The little bit of time I had with LazyNezumi was fantastic. It's a lovely tool and totally worth all the praise it gets!

Yeah, that time sink ain't no joke. Around the time I swapped from Photoshop to Painter X to PainTool Sai to ClipStudio was because I wasn't working at the time and had time to try things out, but once I started working I had decided to stick to ClipStudio, and then I started making my comic and switched to Procreate. Moving all my color pallets over and relearning a new program with a full day job took a minute, but Procreate being on tablet and mobile helped a ton, If I had years put into one program though, I'd probably have just stuck with it bc I know it so well and can do everything I probably need lol.

Ooohhh I haven't heard of Flatton!

That's ok, you create and that's what's up!

This is the most mobile/compact and self sufficient setup I think I have ever seen for a digital artist :0.

Necessity breeds creativity for sure and learning to work with what you have can produce some inspirational results. This is pretty amazing work on it's own, but knowing you did it digital finger painting style is just WOW! Hearing about the techniques you've developed for line variation is pretty legit as your canvas is so small. lol your wrists totally love you XD.

Thanks for sharing!

It's amazing the things we get used to and also get unfamiliar with over time.

I started off with the slate-style tablets for digital art and it weirded me out for a while, but it was my go-to for a few years until I could get my monitor type. I still have my Bamboo fun in case of emergencies but haven't used it in about a decade so I know it would be an adjustment if I had to work on it again.

Ohh neat. I've never heard of TinkerCAD before. I usually use Planner5d for building 3d interior reference.

TY for sharing!

Yes, the Bamboo Fun is one nice and sturdy piece. I got mine back in college probably around the same time you got yours thinking about it and it still works lol (Though I have wrapped it up and save it for in case of emergencies).

Ahhhh Sai, I waited so long for version 2 to come out.

Yes, ClipStudio is a comic maker's dream. They have evolved so much over the years too. When I first tried them out they were still MangaStudio and only had black and white tools. The inking and panel layouts were always the draws for me though. Ahhh nice and congrats on being able to get what you wanted!

I feel you on the Ipad price, but after using the 9in 2018 that's about 300$ for drawing and comics, I felt secure in investing in the proline, but if I was just using it to sketch, I probably would have been hesitant to get one for only sketching though as I usually do my pre sketches on paper (to this day I still do them on paper, it's just faster and more grounding for me than doing everything digitally).