43 / 204
Mar 2021

Can't show couple yet, it's gonna be spoiler but my comic is LGBT+ story so...
P.S. если что, есть на русском, линк в био

When I was creating this topic, I realized that I also do not have so many arts where my couple are together. I have many portraits, but almost no drawings with them together.
The cover with Darzsa and Josiah is very cute. Looks like their first wedding dance :grin::two_hearts::two_men_holding_hands:

Thank you :cry_02: this has inspired me to draw very cute pictures of them together! And they would make the cutest grooms :heart_02:

Perfect time to drop in my comic. The main character Stella is bi and in the next chapter she will begin her romance with a non binary neighbor <3

Оеоеое, соотечественники! :slight_smile: Урал - сила!

В таком случае, Going Up прекрасный выбор - парни там не так много и заковыристо говорят, современность же. :smiley: А мне повезло вот, что твой комикс на русском. Скоро засяду.)))

My current webcomic is patreon-only while I build up my buffer, but here's a test comic I made when I originally pitched to tapas premium (it was not greenlit, but I wanted to produce it anyway)


If you're feeling generous and got a couple bucks to spare, you can find pdfs for episodes 1 and 2 in early access, and get updates as I finish strips for episode 3 and beyond for $2+ tiers. It's an LGBT!+ space opera about an alien abductee who escapes his captors while bonded to an incredibly valuable alien symbiote.

There are lots of couples planned but my main one is Zeta (right) and Oka (left) :slight_smile:

This is Jake (left) and Damien (right) :heart_03: Jake is observant, a little on the quiet side until he gets to know someone, pretty level-headed unless he gets too stressed, and tries to keep everything in his life in separate boxes. Damien is kind and caring, too smart for his own good, wants to see the best in everyone, and is fully committed in his relationship :heart:

Yes, they do have a reason to be dressed up as Buzz and Woody :smile:

My main guys are Tilly and Methe, and this is essentially the relationship they're working on:

Very touching art! :heart_eyes::two_hearts: When you look someone in the eye, it's always so romantic!
Have you thought about doing a comic special for your novel?

Я немного слоупок в чтении на английском :sweat_smile:
Но я начну в ближайшие дни))

Привет! :cherry_blossom: Приятно встретить еще одного русскоговорящего автора :grinning:
Оказывается, нас тут много))

Hey there! Both of my novels are LGBT+. I don't have a together image for the Red Knight's main couple, but that would also be spoilers! They aren't the only couple within the story, there are quite a few! For Take a Hike, the two main couples involve the two lovelies on the cover page, Nikki and Felix, but please don't ship them, they're like brothers ahaha! Both get a partner worthy of them, though.

Check them out for yourself!

My comic happens on Hell, where most of the demons are polyam :blush: so I can share a lot of couples but I'll go with an old drawing I think it's cute :sparkles:

Here are my ocs.. Kenji (19yo) and Valentino (18yo)

I'm making an Au comic where Valentino is a merman, and Kenji fall in love with..
here is the link.. ill be very glad if you subscribe.

In the original story that I'm working to publish in the futere.. they will be dating!
I also have an Instagram account where I post a lot about them !!


Mine isn't a romance comic so I wouldn't consider it GL/BL/LGBTQ+, but I have a queer couple who is part of the main cast!
Nimbus and Keen have been married for 9 years and they are adoptive moms of the protagonist, Cozmata. Keen is mute so she speaks through sign language.

When Cozmata grows up in the sequel I'm planning, it is revealed she is bi. She meets a nurse in the Federal Navy academy called Paola Vitale and they fall in love. After her contract ends, she and Paola set off to work as couriers together until the events of the sequel. Here are some doodles:

My time to shine, oh ho ho!

I'm DCS, a queer comic and game maker who actually has TWO gay comics here on Tapas, oh la la~
I'm demisexual and queer with gender being an absolute mess, and my stories tend to focus on small casts with strong relationships, with a splash of comedy, drama, and a whole lot of horny.

This is Battam and Sal from my comic, Solanaceae!

My first comic like, kinda skips the whole "will they or won't they" part that most romances tend to have, and focuses a lot on, "We're hedging on a relationship, but we've got a lot to figure with ourselves and this situation, can we make it work?". There's magic in the world, there's small trickles of political drama, but mostly (since this comic is a prologue to a longer story) it simply focuses on our main two characters here, getting to know each other and finding solidarity and maybe... actual love?! (Of course they do, haha)

This is Alkaline and Zeggy, from my (long running) comic, Space School!

I've been working on Space School a LONG time (not really on purpose, it just happens some some webcomics) so it goes through a lot of growth just like our two main characters here. Zeggy starts out as shitty, but tries to be good?! Alkaline can't really be honest, and has a very like, "Zeggy makes me so mad, but he also makes me so, HGGN" attitude but they genuinely get along. Opposite of my comic, Solanaceae, this story is basically all slow burn at this point, but this chapter will FINALLY have some romance.

And yeah! Everyone's comics and novels here look so cute~ It's great to see the community of Tapas show off their cute couples!