100 / 141
Oct 2020

Hey Josh!
I'm non-binary and bi!
Here's my novel about a guy named Inho figuring out he's bisexual and falling out of love then into it then out of it for a bit then back into it probably. He's a mess.

NSFW Mature LGBTQ+ Romance!

There's a comic now too so hey:

Bisexual author here. My comic's immediate plot isn't about romance or sex, so the character's sexualities aren't really relevant, but the larger universe that they exist in includes LGBTQ+ relationships. The two main characters are gay (and eventually become a couple), and minor characters are bisexual, trans, and demiromantic. :heart:

Hey friends,

I'm bi so I figured I'd drop my nove,l FRONTIER, here. It's centered around an all female group of adventurers trying to survive in an unforgiving world. The main characters range from straight, bi, gay and even asexual and all belong to different races and ethnicities. Only a few chapters so far but future narratives will explore identity, sexuality, friendship and how to find happiness in a cruel world.
If you enjoy reading dark fantasies about a group of friends going on harrowing adventures where all they have is each other than this might be right up your alley.

Well don't mind if I do, lol

Well hello there. Mixed black aroace here with a mystery comic of a supernatural mystery featuring my child protags.

I'm a queer mexican nb creator.
I'm currently working on a comic about gay magical boys with a mexican main character~
Check it out:

Okay, well I had no idea what the heck BAME was... or a lot of those terms. I wasn't aware that my identity would fall in line with any group of people that you could just categorize as a minority since there's billions of Chinese people. But I guess if I'm going to fall in the category of exclusive creators you want to read I'll throw my hat in the ring.

My name is Jon Gum, my dad is an American born Chinese and my mom is from Korea. I don't want to say I've ever been oppressed, but I've never much cared for my ethnicity, which is probably the reason why I haven't written any Asian characters in my life.

I DO care about telling a good story, and while some people have told me they enjoy the diversity in my comic, I don't exactly go out of my way for including diversity. There is a bi character in the first chapter of my comic, but it's not apparent, because again, first and foremost, the most important thing to me is if the story is good and compelling. If it isn't I'd appreciate feedback or criticism. This is my first comic and I've been working with Carpenter for about 5 years now.

Anyway, happy reading!

4 months later

Hiii, good night. I really appreciate a place to share. I am of Indian descent myself. I just started a novel that is futuristic LGBTQ+ action fantasy. Currently, it's still in the prologue, but the main story is very diverse in terms of race, sexuality and romantic preference. The protagonist, for example, is Keni, who identifies as non-binary demiromantic ace and is a mix of African, Caucasian and Sephardi Jewish. Feel free to check it out if you'd like. Hope you enjoy!

11 days later


Hello!! I'm an asian lesbian artist!! I have a mafia based comic featuring two wlw leads and many other lgbtq+ characters !

I'm ace and working on fantasy bl novel.

Ace and Asian here, so Aceian if you will.

aro-ace, trans and Asian here

anyway here’s my sci-fi novel, would appreciate criticism

I hope that everyone will read my new book with a slow-burn BL subplot:

I'm always down to hear what people think of JTA.

It's Lgbtq+ as the main cast is composed a polyamorous trio. Sadly the romance and more touhcing moments only happen deeper into the plot, so it would take a while for you to get to that in specific. But i'd love to hear your thoughts even if just on the start.

I also should warn it's furry, i hope that won't be an issue.