21 / 21
Dec 2019

Do you have screenshots of this lol ??

If your story is still starting, they may not want to subscribe yet until they see how the first part of the story unfolds.

Or they're just spammers and/or bots.

Either way, not all of LINE Webtoons is like that. I've been using Webtoons and the comment community has been great IMO give it some time :slight_smile:

I took an online screenshot of it, the first 4 pages are up and take place in the past and the next few pages will be in more of the meat of the story

Did you know that Webtoon has a limit of 100 comics that you can subscribe to? Shocking right? I was surprised too and I'm unsure why they would put such a silly limit like that.

According to the comments you screenshoted, I think people are mostly just debating whether your comic is worth subscribing or not. They wanna see more to make sure.

Webtoon readers are like that. They want to see a gang of pages before they commit...the same thing happened with me. I didnt start getting more subs until I had gotten past 15 pages.

LMFAO YE I don't really know why would they put a limit like that on either but I do have a few friends who have maxed out their subscribe list and have to delete the comic that they don't care much about in order to add new one in.

for Discover series, I usually wait to see if the series has several consistent updates before I hit the subscribe button
Just a personal preference, not to have too many things in the subscribed list so the few favorite subscribed series doesn't get buried in the sea of subscriptions

Geeze. Dog eat Dog. Or Creator eat Creator. That seems a bit unhealthy, you have to kill one sub in order to join another series. That's like saying you can only own 100 comic books and heaven knows we have a lot more than that!

Well I feel lot better knowing it's not exactly my comic that's the problem, but it seems so unfair that there's a cap on the number of comics you can subscribe to

Honestly, as dumb as it might sound on the onset, I can see why they have the 100 comic limit.

For those of you that are subscribed to 100+ comics, how many of those comics do you actually follow every single update and creator post for?

I'm subscribed to well over 100 comics here on Tapas, but do you know how many I read every single time they update? Like, 10.

These comics are the only ones that have managed to keep my attention for this long, have consistently updated without disappearing, and have stayed relevant/funny/interesting/high quality the entire time. My reading list is constantly filled with series that have been updated but I just don't want to bother reading because I've gotten bored of following them - but it would be tedious to go through and unsubscribe from every single one, and it wouldn't feel good to do so for series that I actually still want to see succeed, even though I might not read them anymore. I love comics, and I subscribed to the comics in my reading list for a reason, because I like them - but I still have a life (and I'm a comic creator myself, so I have my own series to tend to) and I just can't devote all my time to every single comic in my reading list, even if I liked it initially. So only the ones I really, really like end up getting read on a regular basis.

We need to see this from a creator's perspective.

LINE has it set at 100 subs per reader probably to prevent creators from having sub lists filled with creators who have stopped reading. It's a way to keep the creator's activity flowing; having a large number, in the grand scheme of things, is pointless because the readers have become inactive. I mean, would you rather have 10 subscribers who all read your comic and love it, or 1000 subscribers with only 5-10 readers who return each update?

I think it's more to keep creator stats relevant and realistic than to keep readers from enjoying series. That's probably why Tapas creators are seeing a lot of drop-off - readers sub-and-go a lot, so even if they get a large following of subs, they might still only see a small amount of engagement, because many readers have dropped their series, but still keep it in their sub list, like a hoarder.

I mean, on the whole, 100 series is a lot. I'd be impressed to see a reader who actually keeps up to date on 100 series, every time they update, commenting on every one, etc.

I personally prefer the LINE Webtoon engagement over Tapas, at this point. Yeah, LINE doesn't have wall posts or profiles or a forum, but I get a lot more feedback and comments on LINE than I do over here nowadays. Seriously. And now, knowing there's a 100 comic limit, I know it's because my readers genuinely want to read my story, so much so that they added it to their limited reading list.

I know it might be fun to say "yeah I'm subscribed to 400+ comics!" for street cred, but be real here - are you really reading every single one, for every update, every day?

I totally agree here, I think LINE wants to measure the real statistic
I personally don't think it's possible to be a real fan to 400+ comic at once, I think 100 is still too many, since I only read maybe less than 5 featured series on webtoon, and following less than 10 currently published manga...
but that's just me and my time constraint doesn't allow me to keep up with too many things at once :worried:

Reading all these makes me feel lucky I have people subscribing to me there at all (especially since some of my pages weren't readable for maybe a week or more).
Everyone else's points are really great and I'd like to ditto them. I have 29 things in my library on here and a lot of them are "things I'll read later because I don't have the time or energy to read them right now" rather than "things I read actively instead of clicking "mark as read" so I don't have a huge red 10 or 20 on my library icon".
There's also people's tastes. It's hard to tell if you'd like something if you really don't know what you're getting into. That's why I don't really expect my subscriber count to quadruple anytime soon. Imagine if Harry Potter was uploaded bit by bit on a weekly or semi-weekly basis. (Side note: I'm sure even if this so called Harry Potter comic series existed and uploaded consistently ever since Tapas was created, it probably wouldn't even be halfway through the series by now) Do you think as many people would read it as they would if they got each completed book and had the chance to read the whole thing at their leisure- even when they still only got about a book per year? Probably not. If people don't feel informed enough about a series to tell if they would want to have it take space in their library (even on Tapas where you can probably subscribe to every comic ever made and still have room in your library), then why bother dealing with the notifications and the hassle of subscribing to the comic? With some exceptions (one comic I'm subscribed to hasn't even uploaded a real page yet- it's just the cover!), I notice that I tend to subscribe a little later into a series. Some way later (like Unfamiliar- where I subscribed when there was already 80+ pages) and some slightly later (around 4-10 ish pages, which is only a rough estimation).
Point is- it'll be hard to get a big viewership if all people see is a cover page or pages that don't make sense to them yet.

I personally haven't seen any issues yet but we only just posted some of our pages today. We're already at almost 100 subscribers! To be fair we posted some cover art stuff a few days ago so it's not like we gained all those subs in the course of an hour.

Webtoons seems to be very giving in that regard. We found the same thing when we posted our teasers/pages. The difference between there and Tapas is huge.

But I do like a challenge. :grin:

For me it's the other way around, I have almost the same amount of subs in Webtoons and Tapas but the amount of likes/episode on Webtoons is only 70-80% of the likes on Tapas! Moreover, the amount fluctuates a lot, one episode may get 50 likes and another 85 and so on. It's the same with comments, sometimes I get 1 comment/episode and sometimes 15. Meanwhile, the likes/episode on Tapas remain more or less the same and the amount of comments depends on the "shock factor" of the episode. :sweat_smile:

I'm actually having a hard time wrapping my head around the whole idea of one page per week or one page per month update,
one page barely cover anything of a story as a whole,
I personally would prefer an entire book that consistently update every year cos once I read it, there is more chance to be attached to that story than one page, if it's awesome, I'll remember it even though longer period of times has passed by
but from the creator point of view, it will take considerable amount of time to create an entire book without knowing how the responses gonna be...
so this is really tough...:weary:

3 months later

I think still 100 Discovery Comics are not enough . I am still new on Line but my List is Full with 100 Discovery Comics then there also about 40 Featured i am subscibed to. And another 10 i am Looking Daily For updates. It Takes about 1-2 Hours to them per day because there are just 5-15 updates. The Reason For this is , that some author also makes pauses or are just Doing 1 Update per Month because they Are also Busy with their rl . I think 400 SUbs Are to much . Still you should at least be able to subscribe to 200 Discovery comics.

2 months later

I do two pages per week, and that is simply because I'm a full-time student, and I work outside of school. I know that two pages makes things progress slower, but I honestly have to find the time. Not everyone has the time to sit and do a few pages. I did a spur of a moment thing to decide to start my webcomic. To be honest, My comic does TREMENDOUSLY better on Webtoon. I don't have a following on here...like at all. I get more readers, subscribers, and feedback on Webtoon. Subscribers there also don't care about one page updates as much because there are quite a few that do one page or short uploads on there anyway. A good bit of Creators on there are also students. The longer updated ones are just like you said. Takes a while to get unless the webcomic is their full-time gig. I do have consistent upload days for the two updates though. I keep to it.

1 month later

Having a limit to only 100 comics per reader is a bit disappointing but understandable, which is why I categorize the majority of my subscription box to only the comics that I know i'll never get tired of reading based on the top two genres that I am most interested in, and just so i'm not limiting myself completely, I'll have a minor section of comics of any genre type (8-13 stories only).

One other tactic I use to keep my subscription box in check is by clearing my box of any comics that I've stopped following up on at least every 9 months, maybe even earlier. Personally, I've only had to unsubscribe from about four or eight comics either because, the series has been completed, the creator has stopped updating the comic for a long period of time, or I have lost interest in the comic (which is fairly rare).

Just wanted to share this idea with others to help out, especially with those who haven't been able to stay updated with their comics after reaching the subscription limit~

I'm still able follow up on about 185 comics on Webtoons at the moment and I've managed to keep up with the all so far, maybe I'll even reach 400+!

1 year later