8 / 9
May 2020

I can’t seem to find a good lineart brush. Maybe some of you are having the same problem as me, however I’m just not satisfied with any of the brushes I’ve come across. I know there’s one out there somewhere! :’)

Care to share what lineart brushes you use for csp?

  • created

    May '20
  • last reply

    May '20
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If you have CSP, go on the Clip Studio Assets section and look for brushes there- they have some brushes that you can download/use for free- you can also google CSP free brushes and look on DeviantArt for free CSP brushes to download.

Ah I’m aware. I’d just like to know what kinda of brushes work for everyone else as well!

G-pen with a slightly concave curve for pen pressure and the very first anti-aliasing level above no Anti-aliasing.

Nothing fancy as I spent a lot of time working line weight and hand control traditionally to improve my digital work.

I change the size of the pen often. Using three sizes for each major Element. Thick silhouette, medium weights for each major component within a figure, and thinner details.

Usually it's not what brush you use but the execution. Line work can be tricky cause you have to consider the weight of the object you're drawing as well as the lighting. And making focal points in a composition.

It should also suit the coloring style of you intend to render the art with light and shadow later.


I use PETPEN(+) because I prefer some degree of sketchiness in my lineart. If you're looking for smooth lines that look a bit more vectored, the G-Pen is a good place to start. You can make a copy of it and fine tune the brush's settings until you get something you want.