May '22
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Jun '22
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I've seen you do this on multiple threads now, just posting the cover, but not the link or any other information about your series.
What exactly do you want artists to do other than read it? Are you wanting illustrations? A comic adaptation? Are you paying? If you give more details, you'll be much more likely to get interest.
Sorry here's the link if interested
I believe it would be better to pay someone if you're going for talented artists that would read your series up to chapter 5 and do stuff that obviously... it's solely yours. And even, you want someone to work for you for a long term manga project
Personally speaking, I'm talented enough, but I won't like to spend time on something that has literally 0 benefit to me and in the long run would be a total waste of time if the only thing I can rely on are promises of payment in a possible/not possible future, unless you have a flawless plan and marketing program that would immediatly make the project profitable and with enough earnings to split.
As well, instead of making an artist read the novel, provide a summary and you work on making a comic/manga script, because novels have a lot of unnecessary words that then the artist has to translate and summarize in order to extract the only required information to make a comic. Check some sample comic scripts online to have an idea.
I wish you luck tho, but I would highly recommend offering something more, there is literally no benefit for the half that is not you, and if only one of two is benefited, I believe it could hardly be called a collaboration
You make a really serious point, the only reason I really need an talented artist is because my series as a novel is getting absolutely no views, and I believe I've study from other good creators and made a serviceable story that is very engaging, but that's up to the audience, but I just wish someone would give it a chance, I know there's something there for someone and that it could go very far, I sound generic but I being honest, I know if it was a comic it would blow up fast, I also have plans for dozen of stories but if my first two can't make it I doubt anyone will care about the others. All and all I thank you for giving great advice for no one else will for some reason.
not bad, but i didn't get any emotion 'yet' after reading couple of your chapters
i hope you able to use the better words in order to capture readers heart
oh yeah also when you watch movies focus on the subtitle that some pro tips
don't bring phone while doing stuff in the toilet because that is time for your neuron get activated
I believe you're being too optimistic. Don't get me wrong, is nice that you believe and have hope that your series could blow up only if you change it from a novel to a comic. But again, you give yourself too much credit instead of starting low.
Most of Novels and Comics on these platforms don't blow up as their authors expect.
First of all, you're on a platform that has millions of people posting everyday, at every hour, every month and on top of that, you have the veteran authors and popular series that are constantly recommended by the staff.
Second you need to polish your grammar and increase your usage of words, as it looks very amateurish, the story doesn't seem to be catchy at least to me, and yeah, it is generic.
Third, you published your series (as it appears on the info of the chapters) all of them literally from May 11th to May 14th, basically your story is a newborn barely known in the platform. You literally threw too much yourself and overwhelmed any possible reader.
It doesn't seem to me that you studied properly considering that any person who checks what good writers make or someone who provides a service would rather keep a schedule of 1 episode per week, or 2 episodes per month to allow readers to breath from your series, to engage and get invested properly. And all the other chapters are queued to post so you can work on future ones without having to stress over fullfilling a deadline.
As well, anyone with... literally common sense knows that Rome wasn't made within a day. You have to learn to be patient, have realistic expectations, understand that things don't get made out of thin air, work, promote, engage, participate.
Hello, fellow writer here.
- If you just published your novel, don't expect to blow up just because it exists.
- If a series isn't popular as a novel, unless you're a god of script writing it won't translate to a comic. (I've published comics professionally as a writer)
- Don't say "will also pay if best I can" You need to have a plan, you need to have a strategy and you have to pay your artists, there is no "if"
- This is more of a personal pet peeve of mine, but I don't like the first person perspective.