90 / 145
Oct 2015

I don't go on twitter very often, but I do post when I upload a review. So if you want another way to follow that, you can check me out @WintreKitty4

Our handle is @fishscribbles2. We're open to talking to others, Scribbles sometimes post art, and I'm always yapping about writing. Right now we're only giving updates on our projects in progress, but we'll be posting soon.

Mine is @Squidologi
I'm not very good wit this social media thing. Usually only post drawings and links to this site and tumblr. And fom time to time links to music.

My handle is @Tindabox2. I usually post about random things happening in life (I think that's the purpose of twitter actually) and I always forget to tweet about my new comics!

Mine is @xeithe0. Mostly just retweet stuff I find interesting and occasionally comment on post (Mostly questions now.) If you follow me and don't like what I retweet you can turn it off.
If anyone is interested I posted a new thread if any writers here on Tapastic forums are interested in working together, if you have a good story idea and would like to work on it you can message me, I don't mind drawing it for you. Though, right now only short stories like a oneshot.

my twitter is @avimharz3 just reactivated it few weeks ago. I post wips there some and random rants and thoughts.

9 days later