35 / 143
Oct 2024

The Oscars have always had a bias towards Disney/Pixar in their animation category. Of the 23 years they're hosting that award, only 8 times a Disney or Pixar property hasn't won.

I saw Star Wars mentioned and I have a hot Star Wars take:

  • Luke Skywalker was a more interesting character in the Last Jedi than he was in the entire OT

the marvel series should have ended on infinity wars

Me as a huge Star Wars fan



Me: Yah know what I’ll just watch Star Trek TGN. I actually learned a few things from it.

Also a neat boyfriend!

Bye bye Anakin! Hello Data!

Yah know what? I can like both.

The "live action" Lion King is so realistic it doesn't have color grading. I guess that's not realistic enough.

i agree with you there, I'm so tired of those weird puffy Grubhub jelly monsters that Pixar calls humans

As an artist, the take that "modern art sucks" isn't controversial, though most people don't actually understand what modern art is. Modern art is art that's from 1860s to the 1970s, including any artist works that favored experimentation and expressionism.

So do you like starry night? Congrats, you like modern art. at least, you like one type from that catagory.

if you mean the blank color blob art:

this is Abstract Expressionism. A lot of people don't like it, but then again it's extremely hard to appreciate it in photos. It looks really stupid online but when you look at in person, you realize these are huge. You're supposed to sit in front of it and immerse yourself in the color, and let your mind wander.

Like, sure, it's not as narrative as say a biblical painting of the virgin mary or something, but its still art IMO. It's just not everyone's vibe.

My actual controversial opinions:

  • MHA sucks

  • most isekai stories suck or don't use the genre properly

  • Cats are not only better pets, most people are unqualified to have a dog bigger than a toddler.

  • Adults should trick or treat

  • Lore Olympus sucks in both story and art.

  • More fantasy/paranormal stories should have queer characters.

My takes

  • Cereal is better dry. I've tried enjoying cereal with milk like you're supposed to, but it will always be disgusting

  • Apple products are just ok. My Samsung, Microsoft, and Apple devices all did what I need them to do so I don't understand the big deal. Apple products can't even be modified, hardware wise.

  • I don't think the Rick & Morty anime is that bad. Yeah, it's weird and confusing, but it's not as horrendous as everyone said it was. The art style is kinda cute. I probably won't watch the rest (I've only seen 5 eps) as it's just so-so. There should have been more to separate it from the original like what Toei did with PowerPuff Girls

@Stargazer31 @abigaillmartin I'm convinced that the dino nuggets use a different type of breading that's why they taste better (at least for Tyson)
I'll never understand how McDonald's nuggets are so popular when Wendy's exists. McNuggets are so blah.

@Rowan_Lane A lot of isekai is so bland. Most of the time the MC just gets what they want, is instantly liked the moment they die, their past life is meaningless, and somehow the smartest and strongest around. If there was a threat of the MC being sent back to the cruel real world, it'd be more interesting.

You can still trick or treat as an adult. A few years ago me and my friends went in our mid 20s

I'm surprised negative opinions on LO are unpopular. I used to like it at 1st, but as it went on I realized that it was a improvised mess with questionable relationships and "feminism". The whole SA plot with Apollo ended horrendously. How did it win any awards?!

-I ABSOLUTEY LOVE Hawaiian Style Pizza

-Uncle Grandpa was actually a pretty good show

-Transformers (2007) is a great movie (probably just nostalgia biased but still, will always love this movie)

  • Joker is VERY overrated and was very overhyped when it first came out (Still a good movie, just not Best Picture worthy)

  • The Last of Us Part 2, while I think the story is indeed flawed, it is still a great game IMO and did not deserve the hate it got

When mecha anime manages to repair ships or mobile suits that have taken significant damage during battle without a proper industrial repair facility... I facepalm. :laughing:

No way you're getting those machines good as new and ready for battle with just basic tools.

(A) New words/phases are confusing to learn and harder to use. Acronyms too.

  • Sometimes, not everyone has the same understanding of the same word/phrase so it gets very confusing. I had to check what "take" meant for this topic. It means perspective or opinon. (unless it does not in this case? :confused:)

  • So many acronyms. Some are the same letters made up with different words, some are said out loud with exactly the same number of syllables.

  1. Pizza with pineapples is amazing.
  2. The only thing McDonalds can do right is make french fries.
  3. Coffee sucks.
  4. Chick-fil-A is low-key kind of overrated.
  5. Whataburger is where it's at. (They literally stayed open during Texas's snowmegeddon in my neighborhood so no one starved. I will forever be grateful to Whataburger.)
  6. Whataburger isn't pronounced "What-a-burger" it's pronounced "waterburger".
  7. Edward from Twilight wasn't hot. (He was a stalker)
  8. Home Alone movies are stupid.
  9. Sharkboy and Lavagirl will forever and always be corny and weird.