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Jul 2020

Hey everyone! :sparkles:

I was wondering what time would be best to update? I update twice a week, but I live in Japan... So I want to know what time would be best for the readers who lives in the pacific time zone. sorry for my silly question...(๑´•ω • `๑)

  • created

    Jul '20
  • last reply

    Jul '20
  • 5


  • 553


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There's not really a "right" answer unfortunately- you just kinda have to make the best guess based on what audience you're trying to target and hope for the best. Some strategies that you might consider or try out though:

1.) Early on you can try posting on different days and times and just keep track of what yields the best results for you? This is different comic to comic though and not really a set in stone thing.

2.) You can try to pick a time that hits a specific demographic the best. For example you mention wanting to aim at the Pacific Time Zone- you can look up what the time difference is compared to to your own time zone and try to guess when people might be on tapas to see your comic- maybe after working hours? (5PM and later for a lot of folks). Or try to hit people on their lunch hour? (~noon). Or catch people for breakfast or before bed? Maybe you choose a weekend day. Etc. This is all guesswork though and no 2 people are the same so it's not super reliable.

3.) I've never tried this but I've heard it proposed before and it holds some merit (on paper, at least)- you can look for a popular featured comic in a similar genre to your own and try uploading a little after their standard upload time. The idea is that people will hop on to read their favorite comic's weekly upload and then might browse around afterwards looking for more and if you're near the top of Fresh at the time, bingo~ Again dunno if this actually works well or not but it's one way to try.

Wow thank you for the quick and detailed response, I really appreciate your thoughts and recommendations.