12 / 36
Dec 2016

MeStory from what i googled in general appears to be some story ebook reading app for selfpublished?? stories... but I wouldn't trust the PM, especially since the site it links to looks like a terrible mockup with random official manga plastered on it.

looks like a poorly scripted bot site.
They can't posibly expect me to believe they are crowfunding fairytail (which they spelled wrong), samuray X (don't this one ended ages ago?).
But more importantly, when you enter a site and there's this little icon that says you have new notifications, messages and somehow you're logged in, that's just a huge red flag.

I didn't get one.

Guess I'm not good enough cry

But yeah @michaelson has already been redirected to this thread, so the Tapas staff should be able to deal with it the same way they've dealt with spammers/bots in the past.

Yep, I got one, too. I think they've got a bot targeting users here. Very annoying.

I got it too, couldn't find anything on them. Google kept trying to correct it to 'mystery comics' when I searched for mestory comics haha.

I got the same message shortly after I updated my comic. My comic doesn't even have mass appeal so the moment I got that PM it has scam written all over it.XD

Just got it today as, check the forum to see if anyone else had as well. Is there any way to report it? It has to be spam.

Yep, I got this message as well.
However, clicking the link didn't get me anywhere, just a site that didn't exist.

First Sixmanga, now this? What's next? CoolComics? lol

Same. No offers of having my comic hosted on a sketchy site either. frowning

Hah...now that's a mystery for Mystery Inc to solve.

I just got the same message,i try searching for there site but found no result.

I got this message yesterday too. Assumed it was something "phishy" (lol at me) and didn't follow through.

Greeting to everyone here.
My name is Oleksandr. I am the person who sends all these messages to you. Let me explain myself:

1) MeStory is an official trademark registered in Hong Kong. We started the mestory.com platform for stories 9 month ago. We have apps for Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sowocorp.mestory) and for IOS. However, currently we are doing major updates, so the site is inactive.
2) The link I send to you is a link to the demo interface. This is how it will look and work.
3) Probably you have noticed that the message is rather similar. Not everybody here receives this message. However, it contains all necessary information to start the conversation. I am sorry for this kind of universalization.
4) The release date is 19th of December.
5)The main idea of the platform is to create a working environment for comics writers and artists. Firstly, if you have a great idea you can post your idea using our post a job function and find the right person to work with. You will also be able to select the proposed profit split between the two of you, which is a part of the job posting.
The second idea is that readers, who are interested in your comics, would pay some amount of money to see the next chapter. Thus, your work will be paid. We are not going to charge you for anything.

Please, accept my apologies for possible misunderstanding. Ask your questions here or pm me directly on demchenko@mestory.com

Kind regards,
Oleksandr Demchenko

i find your reply hard to trust, why would an actual platform that is willing to dive into an artistic scene make itself look like a scam like that?

WHAT? are you f**kin kidding me? why give us the link then?
this raises my suspicions to Lv. 99 already, and in fact i'm kinda worried if clicking that link would've revealed any important info about my account
hey, @michaelson.. shouldn't Tap react to this joke?

There are two different links:
1) Mestory.com which is currently inactive due to major updates and
2) http://mestory.8foundry.com/help-page.php?page=help1 which is a demo version of the interface. We are not interested in any of your personal data. We can't publish anything yours without your permission in any case. What we want is to drive your attention to this opportunity. You will see the ready product on 19th of December and, I hope so, you will believe me.
One more time: I am not asking for any exclusive rights on your works. There is no charges for anything. We are just a comics start-up that wants to help authors receive benefits from their work. And to show these works to our Aisian readers.

Sometimes I really find it a pity that there is no "I don't like it" button on this forum.

If you're not a scam, do you find it normal to advertise yourself on the forum of a site that could very well become a major competitor?

We have different interests with Tapastic. Tapastic doesn't have the fundraising option and is just a good platform for self-promotion. What we are offering is more of a business approach to comics.

I got a message like that and replied to them saying they should advertise in the forums if they want to get their site out there since spam is frowned upon and they did actually respond? I think it might just be a person who's uninformed on how to correctly advertise.
of course I might be wrong but it seems genuine enough?