1 / 39
Feb 3

Just one color (especially if it's analog, with just one pencil!)

  • created

    Feb 2
  • last reply

    Apr 2
  • 38


  • 1.2k


  • 1


  • 65


  • 25


Heck yeah. B/W is my favorite to draw. 2 of my comics are Monochrome and there's just something satisfying about the simplicity of it all.
Here's a handful of my favorites from the last few years.

BW is my favorite to read :smiley:
I don´t know why and I also don´t know how to describe it but
I feel like it lets my brain more air to breathe and that influences
my imagination

I’ve found that in using only B/W it forces me to render the panels with more depth and use the full range of black to white. And now, without having to worry about coloring, I can just focus on making expressive expressions on my characters (which I really enjoy) grrrrrr I can’t wait to get to the pages with really fun interactions

Got a couple

Can't believe that people prefer color over Monochromatic comics! It's an absolute blast to limit yourself with B&W. Leads to higher creativity due to the limitations. :smiley:

I think I'm doing okay, glad there's likeminded people here!

If you guys wanna give some critiques and advice, please do so, It'll help me fix my mistakes.

Jebuz, you've got so much volume! Haha I can barely get one chapter out per week without dying. How do you do it!?

well, I have a very good workflow, I use many action shortcuts, the line in the shadows is actually three texture layers, it takes me about 3 or 4 days to do it plus render, so I just ended up piling up and creating a big qeue, I have episodes up to mid april.

Ah I see, yea I don't have a backlog lmao. So, I HAVE TO stay on schedule. Kinda sucks, I didn't listen to those telling me how important a buffer is haha. Maybe for my next comic!