5 / 5
Jul 2021

What a great and refreshing new comic. (in retro style) It feels like a real story with a well-written script.

This one is a must-follow.

I hope that there will be a market for this kind of comics again to set the villain bl drama queen manga aside. This is my jam and I hope there will be others with that taste.

@ratique this is the stuff that I expect to be on the Tapastry frontpage.
We can’t compete with the manga drama. But stuff like this needs a place too. And not just a re-tweet, will there be a place for us free to read creators in this quality? Is this what Tapastry will be? A collection of fine content for people to discover? (without scrolling pass 1000 of super studio polished manga drama)

Thanks very much for the post jensrichard77. This is a story long planned out in my head and on notepads that I recently crash-coursed some comic illustration courses to get out there. Yes, the Manga content is great but also very well catered for, tbh I wasn't, and am still not convinced Tapas and other sites are the right landing ground for my work but I'll give it a go.