32 / 99
Oct 2015

Hello! New user here derp I'm basically a noob. Soooooo, HI. blush

@michaelson Hi, sorry I just caught the end of the stream and I have no idea what was covered, but I would just like a few questions answered, if you don't mind:

  1. I was wondering how you plan on handling both novels and comics without any compromise for one or the other. Both of these are an industry all on their own, and I'm a bit concerned about the impact this may have on Tapastic, and whether one may become a burden to the other (ex. financially).

  2. I was also wondering if there were any plans to help creators monetize their comics? I understand there is an outside source option, but what about other help from Tapastic itself? (ex. donations box, paywalls, etc.)

  3. Related to #2, what is going to happen to the premium comics? They haven't really progressed anywhere lately...

  4. With the introduction of novels, would this platform allow my reviews2 to finally be integrated into Tapastic? And when is this novel section going to start?

  5. Finally, why do you show the same comics again on the front page spotlight? I understand it has something to do with Halloween, but there are so many comics here on Tapastic I find it difficult to follow that logic.

Thanks in advance for any/all of the answers you provide!

All the best,

You can watch the livestream that just happened.

Go to https://picarto.tv/Tapastic45

Click on the Videos button (next to the Channel Description and Commission Info button)

The video listed is the latest recorded livestream, the one that happened just a few moments ago.

don't you think using patreon is a bit difficult for the creators and supporters?

Not sure where to ask this question. Are there any plans to make the forums be accessible on the app? Currently I have to log in from the web browser app to access the forums on my phone. (unless its there and I have just been really bad at finding it)

Hi, guys - maybe this was asked already but I didn't see it anywhere... I wanted to make more pages per week available to my supporters than to non-supporters (i.e., supporters get to see 2 pages per week, non-sup get only one page per week).

But if Tapastic Support is extinct, then there is no way to do this! Or is it?
Are you planning any connection with Patreon, for example, that allows this sort of thing? If the person supports you on Patreon some stuff unlocks on Tapastic, something like that.

I'm very sad the Tapastic support is being discontinued cry

You can just post pages on Patreon and lock it for Patrons only. That's what I was doing when my Patrons were suppose to get whole episodes earlier. As far as I know there will be no integration like that, it was SP feature and all this is going away.

hey, thanks for the answer smile
Boomer. I'd really like to keep readers inside Tapastic, but this will work exactly in the opposite way, right?

Well yes, you will have to re-direct them to your Patreon site. It wasn't easy since people didn't really wanted to move from Tapastic, now it should be easier. I think in previous topic "Future of Tapastic" there was an update announcement where you can put link behind your comic banner, so when people click on it, they will be re-directed to your Patreon site or Kickstarter or whatever other site you use.

Not sure if anyone saw my question above- is there going to be a written summary or something about things that were discussed in the livestream video? I'm deaf and would like to know. :3

Yes, I'll do a written summary sometime next week smile Thanks for letting us know!

I hate to be the guy saying you need to do more work, as I honestly understand that your guys' workload is MASSIVE right now. It's something I've been telling people behind the scenes for over a year, that these types of things require massive amounts of work, and that you guys are a small team, so the speed and load you guys can handle isn't Microsoft or Apple or Google in size. But, I do feel the need to stress something.

The banner links.

I'm not saying you need to do this right away, but I do need to stress that eventually you need to bring in a spiritual successor of sorts to the Support button, one that only appears when they have a link that would appear in the banner to bring you to another site to support them. The reason I'm saying this, is because you NEED to have something that you guys have stressed many times before, and that's a nice, consistent user experience.

Now how does this and the banner play a role together? Let me explain with a little bit of history.

Many years ago, the Android operating system had a navigation button called the "Menu" button, which served the exact purpose you would first imagine, open the menu for the screen you were on in the app you were currently using. The issue with this button, is that it was not contextual, meaning that it did not change or inform the user if pressing the button would do anything or not. So if a user pressed the menu button, yet nothing happened, they had no way of knowing if their phone was messing up or being slow, if the app was messing up, or if their simply was no menu for the screen they were on. The user was left completely in the dark, and it was a very frustrating experience. Eventually, this issue was solved by them removing the menu navigation button entirely, and put it onto the app developers to implement a menu button for when one was needed, which made the entire user experience better, as the users now had context as to whether or not the screen they were on had a menu.

So how does this relate to the banner links and a spiritual successor to the support button? Well, it's that same frustrating user experience of not knowing what the issue of no feedback is. With banner links, when you click on them and nothing happens, you will have no idea if there is simply no link, or if the site did not load correctly, if their computer is lagging, or maybe the page simply had not loaded fully. This will lead to an extremely unpleasant experience, especially to users like me who commonly have to deal with an unstable internet connection, which can render parts of tapastic unusable due to certain elements failing to load. The best way to resolve this issue, would be to have a button that only appeared if they had a link to an external site, similar to how the support button only appears on comics that you can actually support. This would give context to the readers, and allow them to KNOW that they can do something, instead of simply wondering if they can or not.

And lastly, like I said at the top, this does not have to be implemented right away, it is just something I feel you need to think about, as it is a pitfall that I do not feel you want yourself stuck in.

Thanks for reading! Can't wait to see what you guys bring in! And hope what I've said can help you in at least a small way~

I have to agree on that. Don't know about other thing, Android is black magic for me.
I know I did write this in the previous Topic but here's the issue: Advertising my Patreon for two months I didn't get anyone, if not my previous supporters I would have 0 right now. I have no idea what it is. I already made special banner to call for action and even shared a special Patreon Leflet I made, you know: COOL STUFF YOU GET! It may sound greedy, but I had 10 supporters on Tapastic and probably would have more if I wouldn't quit for Patreon. I share links, I re-vamp the site, trying to improve it, because maybe my site isn't appealing? I don't know. Maybe people are scared of Patreon? Maybe don't want to create another account, I don't know. I'm just scared I will be stuck with my 10$ till the rest of my life, even if I know Patreon need a bit more time.

I believe you will figure something out guys, maybe not now, but in the future.