13 / 46
Mar 2021

Intially, Jekyll and Hyde started off as a fanfic that was for fun and inspired by an online free slot machine that was Jekyll and Hyde themed which also felt very Disney-Pixar in its style. For fun, I wrote a script for what I believed a Disney version of Jekyll and Hyde would be like. I wound up loving the story a lot so I started making the comic and the rest is all history.

Hello there!

Well... Menmar came to me in a dream around 2013-2014, prior to the massive art block I had in my college years. Back then, I had this awesome, but crude idea of a plot involving a girl and a djinn kicking ass and taking names, but since I was already wrapped up in college stuff and another two personal projects (one was a fanfic from a MMORPG that I still play to this day, but I finished the fic already, and the other is a personal project that will be revived in the near future), I decided to bench Menmar for that time. However, I got a massive block and I was only able to draw as I was demanded by my college major (I have a degree in Design) and all projects that I hadn't finished or started by 2017 were put on hold.

Then, I began working as a professional illustrator in 2019 (my Instagram if it piques your interest) and decided to revive Menmar as a trial-series, so that I could get my creative juices back once more. And now, in 2021, I can honestly and proudly say: it worked! I am far more creative than ever, working happier than ever did, and I look forward to making much more art!

Fair, No Fair started as an rp I did! A lot of the major plotpoints ended up being the same, but the story is much more nuanced and polished now with some extra scenes, events, etc to create a proper buildup and stuff. The rp ended after a while, but I thought it was such a shame, because the characters were so much fun and I felt like I had more of a story to tell for them. So with permission of the other person I rp'ed with I started writing the story! I hadn't written more than a short story since I was a kid and never something in English of this magnitude, so the story is both very comforting to write for me as well as challenging!

Obviously I did change a lot about the story. For example, in the rp Simon was called Stijn and he was a really good iceskater instead of a ballet dancer. I also added some more sidecharacters like a lot of Joey's friends, Simon's friends and the teachers.

My first "original" comic was super guilty of that too :joy: I wrote it back in middle school after only having done pure fan comics before. It actually started out as a fan comic of the manga "+Anima" as well, before I decided that I wanted to do an original story instead. Even so, it ended up just being a frankenstein monster of borrowed elements from just about everything else I liked at the time.

The isekai elements (before I knew that was a whole genre) were borrowed from series like MAR and Dragon Drive,

The charm system was kind of a mix between MAR's arms and Megaman Battle Network's battle chips,

the magic system was almost completely ripped from Zatch Bell,

the animal transformation portion of the magic was carried over from +Anima,

the main character's name and general hairstyle was grabbed from the game Rune Factory,

the main char's best friend is one of my friend's OCs that he let me borrow,

Several other main characters were stolen from a forum roleplay I made for my story on the Gaia Online forums back in the day, which were all technically other people's OCs...

etc. etc.

When smashed together I think it did actually come together to something relatively original, but it was still just so much idea theft xD


My current comic is straightforward: it started out as a D&D campaign last year~ It's a retelling/adaptation :slight_smile: It's been an interesting project consequentially because I only had direct control over one of the characters, the other 4 party members all had other players acting for them, of course, and the overall plot and events were dictated by the DM. So in a way it's almost like a collaborative storytelling effort xD

My comic started off as a dream I had- and then I changed literally every plot point in my dream except for the fact that it's about mermaids lol. The story was originally supposed to be a romance but I changed the love interests sexuality to Aro/Ace so now there's very little romance, which I kind of regret because romance is basically the most received genre on Tapas, but I really just wanted some aro/ace representation since it's so rare for people to included characters who are aro/ace in their comics.

My comic: https://tapas.io/MK-AKA-Morgan

I made Systemless to spite toxic readers on the website Royal Road, but then I found it too funny to end it early so I just kept going with it...

I originally created my comics' main character over 21 years ago as a Sonic OC. You probably can't tell xD, it's not obvious at all :grimacing:

But back then, he didn't look anything like the above picture.

Mine started off as characters for my ripoff Hetalia slice-of-life universe until I decided, "man, I don't wanna research this" then I filled in my own lore, and it morphed into the comic now (or it's going to be, since it's not yet out).

It was nearly 5 years ago that i came up with this. What a world.

Mine started off as an almost blatant rip-off to the manga/anime "Black Cat" by Kentaro Yabuki. I pretty much took the plot and theme and kind of just shoved my own characters into it. I also just really needed an escape and Black Cat was my favorite series at the time.

This was over a decade though and the story and characters have matured a lot. There are still a couple similarities, but everything is gonna have similarities to something else.

My comic started as concept art for a fantasy MMORPG project me and some buddies wanted to make back in late-middle-school/early-high-school. (We didn't know an ounce of coding or game design, but y'know.) I was in charge of most of the concept art and world design, and though I wasn't considered the "lead artist," I was by far the most artistic. I came up with a technologically advanced civilization, but my ideas were largely discouraged by the other members; they wanted a more traditional medieval setting.
After I left, I forgot about the ideas for a while. Then like two years later I suddenly remembered the concepts. I decided I was going to make a story out of the world, so yeah. A lot has developed and changed, but some things have still remained; I like to think the "spirit" of that original world is preserved.

Here's "Aegis."

Mine started as a theater project! I had some ocs before this time, but I didn't have a story in mind. In 8th grade, I took my first and only theater class which was so incredibly fun. We had split teachers since we didn't actually have an official theater teacher so my chorus teacher and an english teacher split the students and switched out every other day. In both classes, we had to come up with a character to act as. The first teacher had us create a character based off of someone we knew. That's when I designed Seth, one of the main characters of my comic. Later on in my second theater teacher's class, we designed another one, and I decided to go for a character completely opposite of Seth, which is my main character Joyce. Since they both were created in my theater class, I decided to make them siblings cause they came from the same idea and kind of project. After that, I incorporated them with my other ocs, and I loved creating a story with them (minor future characters spolier-ish?): my first comic idea with my characters was Joyce, Seth, and their friend Storm being trapped in a room with my demon oc Melissa who was trying to possess Joyce. Alex, Joyce and Seth's babysitter, trapped outside of the room, trying her best to break in. It never got fully fleshed out until about a year later when I created a whole bunch of characters and started world building around them. I'm really proud of how far my story has come so far, and I'd like to present to you my comic: The Hidden Monachopsis

I didn't like journals as a kid because people would read them. (You were required to have them in school and the teachers would read them and comment on them. I hate that. So I would basically just throw some 'choice words' directed at my teachers for my school journal instead of actually writing in it)

Then because of that, the idea of having one at home was absolutely terrifying, cause school basically taught me that journals are basically there for adults to read.

So having no personal outlets I just put it all into my characters and called it a story. Just a depressing nothing will get better, I'm so alone, LGBT kid living in the closet feels disguised with a plot.

It was pretty genius thinking back. For some reason adults were obsessed with getting in your business and wanting to read personal stuff like blogs and journals, but no one gave a fuk about any stories you were writing to the point where even if you wanted a parent or teacher to read you stories no one would and would pull every trick in the book to avoid having to read it.

Fast forward to now, found it cleaning up, decided "you know, I could actually work on this and make it into a legitimate story" and well, here we are.

My story started as a bunch of different dreams I had. I tend to dream almost in movies, where I am not involved but can watch all that is going on, and rewind if I do not like it...
Anyway, I had two different dreams about my OCs for some show...
One in which Mikhail was an Angel, and going to the yearly prom of peace between heaven and hell in order to find himself a date
The other in which Stefan and Mikhail were roommates and Stefan was a superhero who pretended he was just really into cosplay as a way to hidehis secret identity from the other.
In the end I wrote a story about Mikhail being an Angel whose roommate on Earth is Stefan and tries to blend in in the human world even though Demons keep trying to kidnap him. ^_^

Also, I wanted to challenge myself into writing a love story because I generally hate those, so I decided that they would end up together :slight_smile:

Mine started off as one of those middle school "I made a comic and put all my friends in it" and now we have powers like Sailor Moon. Back then, in my circle of artist friends, it was kind of an unspoken rule that all of the comics we made would include character versions of ourselves and people we knew.

Many (many lol) years later I worked to develop into something that makes sense and be its own story and own characters. Despite it's crappiness and cringe, my friends really loved the comic and have been asking me to finish it for decades (as I left them hanging back in the 90's).

Oh, interesting...
In my case, Back to 2019, i was in a certain Artist server. Around the end of the year, the Adm decided to start some Role Play. Then i created my Character.
The RP didn't really end well because of me and the character(I noticed i created stuff that 'd be troublesome to the others members' characters), but since i had already created so much about him, i thought "Huh... i think i can put him into one of my universes... This one!"
I was already wanting to start a webcomic, and used him as a prototype.
Then, i created my Doctor A in Webtoons, but moved him to Tapas.

My comic Hollow kind of started out in its initial concept as speculative fanfiction too. The instigating thought was, "What would Card Captor Sakura be like in her twenties and the magic is gone? How would spending her formative tween years doing magic and risking her life affect her as an adult?" And then it snowballed from there.

I like a good LGBT romance, so I made the main character male so he can crush on his "Shaoran" equivalent, and I made his tween magic years reminiscent of classic magical girl anime, with similar tropes and events, but with lingering and cumulative consequences that ultimately left him depressed and broken, with PTSD and panic attacks.

Then the story turned into a whole statement on nostalgia, leaving your childhood behind (or not?), moving past trauma, and glamorizing the past. As it is now, I think it's fair to say that Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura were definitely instigating influences to the story, but Hollow has become its own entity that stands on its own. In my opinion, anyway!

My novel started as a chaotic mess of memes and jokes in a YouTube video series. It was made to emulate the old RPG video game styles of Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem. All the while following the logic, inside jokes, and RNG of a D&D campaign. It even got to the point where it was fully voice-acted near perfectly, and voice actors behind two of the main characters enjoyed the ridiculousness of it.

However, things started getting a bit too chaotic and I decided to rewrite the entire story from the beginning. A few months later and now I have this novel getting a new, full chapter every week. The characters are still the same as when they were originally created, and there's gonna be comedy sprinkled in. But it's not gonna be nearly as chaotic and messy as it was originally.

My novel started off as escapist daydreams and developed through the years. I originally made some of the main characters up in middle school and I think the only thing that hasn't changed from their conception is their hair color.

My comic has pretty much been the same throughout the time I've written it (superhero comic partially inspired by the movie "Overlord" and a podcast episode I listened to about Unit 731), but my novel, "Godswater", has gone through a lot of changes. Most of the character names have stayed the same, as have the way most of them act, but the magic system in particular has gone through several overhauls. I've rewritten it several times, too, and every time I do, the period in history it's based in goes forward, too. In the first draft, it was a straight up sword-and-sorcery book. Next, it was based on the renaissance/age of enlightenment. Then, it was a little more American Revolution-y. Now, it's based in more like 1880. Next draft will probs have tanks at this rate lol.

Mine began as a dark joke about suicide. Then boom plot​:flushed: