2 / 10
Mar 2023

Making backup files while you're working is seriously recommended...for many reasons :sweat:

Don't get discouraged! Some of the most valuable advice I was given after something happened to a traditional piece I'd done, was "If you did it once, you can do it again."

It hurts to lose that work, but you can fix it, or rebuild. You did it once, and you can do it again :slight_smile:

silly bird.
What program was this? CSP has a backup folder I think

Don't worry, this one happened to all of us more or less in a very similar form.
Be always sure to save as often as possible or have an auto-save on.

It happened to me lately too lol I had everything done and wanted to save and at that exact time Photoshop died on me :joy:

1 month later

closed Apr 16, '23

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