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Jul 2019

Still trying to get my ideas for my comics together. So far I was able to come up good names for the organizations, planets, and alien races. (I'm so glad for those Random Generators for name ideas)

But I need help for a name for an alien insect race. I could have use the word "Insect" in another language but I wanted to include spiders & scorpions as well. I wanted to use something that had the word "Arthro" since it's a part of Arthropod which insects & arachnids are a part of.

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    Jul '19
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    Jul '19
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Arthronogie :grinning: arthrobraz? I'm deep into Russian jokes here, but maybe you will like the sound, who knows :smile:

You could just use Anthro!
That would keep it short and easily identifiable

I know this isn't what you are exactly looking for, but it can help if you are wanting to make a name for something down the line. And while not actually having the word Arthro, there are still words that relate to arthropods.
Look at the scientific names of insects, or the insect that closely relates to your race and change it slightly. But remember, that a name needs to be easily said and read. Ask a friend or family member to try and say it without you telling them how you would pronounce it. If they struggle with it or cannot work it out, you might need to change the name. You don't want you poor readers trying to figure out how to say arcathioloidanites.

Examples would be:

Sparanites - Family of Huntsmen Spiders - Sparassidae

Puntatians - Seven-Spot Ladybird - Coccinella septempunctata

Vespins - European Hornet - Vespa crabro

But yeah, I mean you can be really creative going this route cause you can just mull through some insect names and find one that sounds cool and make it sound like a species. And it isn't that hard, I literally just googled these insects and came up with these names in a few seconds.
You if you spend a little longer on them unlike me, you can make some pretty neat and unique sounding names.

It's a bit of a mouthful but Malinalxochitl is the Aztec god of scorpions and insects. You could use that as a base and mix in different word references from there:

'Alxo' could be swapped out for 'arthro'

'Chitil' could be adjusted to be closer to 'chitin' - the fibrous substance that makes up exoskeletons for arthropods

So on and so forth

But Anthro means "human" in Greek the word I wanted to use is Arthro which has to do with insects.

Those are good suggestions but I wanted to use a name that covers both insects & arachnids together. I could have use something like Insekt (An alternate spelling for Insect) or Rovar (That's Insect in Hungarian) but it would feel that I'm leaving arachnids out. Or am I being too literal about that since it is a webcomic?

In my completely honest opinion, I think making a completely unique word for a race is better then slightly changing an already existing word or a word from another language.
If you called your race Aracniods, nearly everyone can imagine that they are going to look like a spider, or have something similar to them. As for a name for another language, (like the Rovar example you gave) I put it in the same boat as having a Japanese word tattooed onto your body. Sure it might look cool, but you literally just have hope or peace written in another language (which isn't your own).

Mind you, if that is what you want to do, go all out. There is no problem with the way you going about it. This is just my personal opinion, which is why I just gave you the examples on how I would do it.
At the end of the day, it is your comic and story. If you want to be literal with it or not, it is you that has to be happy with it when all is said and done :slight_smile:

There's a lot of ways to approach naming your insect race. Arthomorphs would be a good name if they're the only insect race in the setting You could give them a name they call themselves that humans can't quite translate or represent--like a series of scents or ultrasonic vibrations--which results in humans having to invent a name for them out of whole cloth. They could be called something like "Jack's Aliens" named after whoever made first contact with them.