1 / 29
Aug 2019

I have an original superhero comic I'm writing, and so I'd like to get constructive feedback on characters I post. This'll be a process, but here it goes.

To begin:



I commissioned this from Jero Pastor. She's a magical witch. The gist of it is that her appearance evokes the idea of a mage, but rather than simply wear the mage robes, is updated to modern fashion that still pays its dues. You could call her an "urban sorceress" in that regard. The two major influences are Scarlet Witch (Marvel) and Zatanna (DC). Astra also appears humanoid, though she isn't a human, but rather an interdimensional being with pale skin and black-on-purple eyes.


  • created

    Aug '19
  • last reply

    Aug '19
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She will be a pain to draw =) Many small details like braid, belts, lots of lacing, pleated skirt with pattern... If she is a main character, it will be especially hard, so I would recommend to simplify the clothes design, even if for a bit.
Also, I don't know if you want to show that she's an interdimensional being, because now you have a very fashionable goth girl, so I wonder if "interdimensional being" should even look that fashionable. Like, where did it get those clothes idea from, is she living on Earth for a long time? Or is it a common fashion from where she is from?

She doesn't look very unique and original. Modern mage does evoke the idea of the outfit she's wearing, but she also looks like a vampire slayer. Just nothing about it seems very original, and the design honestly reminds me of one of the music bands that appeared in Scooby Doo.

I'd adjust it so she's not wear a corset that's black but instead one that if it has to be a corset, one that has a pattern on it. Preferrably one without roses. Does she have to be dressed in black and maroon? Magic is fine, but why are her clothes that color specifically?
Her tights could also be better if they were something a bit more... modern like the cats at the knees, stars, or a two color gradient pair of tights - do we have to see her skin at her thighs? Again why?
I don't mind her jacket and think it could actually be pretty unique but it'd need some trim or detail that makes it more interesting. Right now it could be Vash's jacket (trigun) just hanging open, or Ed Elric's (fullmetal alchemist) - the only difference between those two (primarily notable difference, that is) is that one is a double-breasted coat and one isn't. I also like her gloves, hair, and face and magic.
I am wondering why her knee-high boots are #1 black, and #2 laced. If it's just to parallel her corset, I ask why. There could be many unique adjustments to the outfit to make it more unique. You could adjust the laces to be simpler, chunkier, and perhaps still keeping them knee-high, but adjusting their form. For example, here's Alisaie from FF14 and her boots are also knee-highs, but they have a unique impression of the fabric and how they fasten. Also note that her buttcape/skirt is not part of her camel colored jacket. But also note the details on her jacket - the shoulders have either navy patches, or holes that see through to the navy turtle-neck she's wearing underneath.

The character design is extremely cool and it makes me want to find out more about her, but at the same time she gives of a kinda nostalgic feeling.. like I've seen her before, but I don't know where. I like the concept

Nothing wrong with being influenced by great characters but in my opinion you need to push the design further away from those homages...unless you're specifically trying to design the character as a pastiche.

I'd say I did that though. You can tell the influences there, but at the same time, she looks pretty distinct from the two in my honest opinion.

Not trying to talk you out of your opinion but how about a little constructive exercise ... If you're game...

Walk me through the visual elements in your design that I can't also assign to a version of one of the two homages characters.

  • Her pale skin and black/purple eyes.
  • Her "urban sorceress" look. Scarlet Witch looks like a, well, witch, and Zatanna a magician.
  • Her bustier.
  • Her style of hair.
  • Her boots.

These are all different from both to me.

That's more a Raven thing but as trope, it will get noted if you don't hard left from homages

The MCU version veers to the urban approach ...complete with bustier.

Perez did the belly cut bustier/corset look alot. He combines it with Gypsy cut skirts for a more old world. feel.

Zantanna wears a variety of boots, including the thigh highs, depending on the artist.

I like how you drew the hair...but with out other examples of you drawing long black hair, I can't tell if it's a style or stylistic.

I like the drawing, I just think the visual elements don't move far enough away from the sources you're citing.

I just feel like the design is unique by having all these different elements and the way it's presented. How do I even move far away to avoid comparisons while still being aesthetically pleasing? Some things just unavoidable.

Now, come on =) The girl does look like these two (and I hope the author will make some changes, because her look is as impractical as it gets for starters), but you can approach nearly every character's design like this: oh, I saw it here, here and here. Well, of course you did, corsets and high boots and even those eyes are nothing unique and were not invented in Marvel too.

I understand that but when you're designing a witch/sorceress ...it's problematic to have most the visual elements similar two (or three) iconic witch/sorceress characters.

Even something as simple as a color scheme change could move you further away from some of the Scarlet Witch comparisons.

Perhaps push the non-human vibe a bit. She can remain human-like, but her outfit can show her non-human characteristics.

You can keep the urban style and add some symbols and "alien-like" items.

Example: the shoulder pads giving off the "ufo" vibe. It might be far from the type of 'non-human being' you're going for, but you can see here how to break the uniformity of your urban outfit with some weird designs. David Bowie is the King of such successes btw. Looking up his stage outfits often gives me inspiration :smiley:

The textures could also reflect it.

Example, keep the shape of that coat but have it made of algae or weird organisms that look alive. Something resembling such textures, perhaps?

And in the end, the outfit may even grow out of its "outfit" status and give your character some more depth regarding her magic abilities or stuff.

Example: the algae coat could come alive when she's casting spells, or shapeshift slightly, or change colors, or turn into rock, or spew butterflies as she runs away, etc.

Those are mere examples of what you can do to tweak the overall style of your outfit without losing the urban witch vibe you initially wanted. This way, the outfit can be born again with new characteristics and items without losing its source, and you get something more original and tailored for the MC and her backstory.

Anything can be done to tweak an outfit. Browse pinterest for ideas, add stuff you think haven't been used yet, or could be used more efficiently (especially regarding textures, articulations of elements, colors), make brand-new stuff with old school vibes, have fun :smiley:

Once again, think David Bowie. This guy saved my inspiration.

I would get rid of lacing everywhere (because the poor artist, oh boy), fishnet pantyhose, maybe give her a dress instead of skirt instead... something like this if you want to go for sexy. It would suit the "witchy" look too and you can put a corset with this kind of skirt too.

So if I got rid of the lacing on the bustier and the boots, and changed the pantyhose to sheer, would that make the difference for the artist?

Everyone's got the design elements covered.

I thought I might add that while I do like the color combo, and I think the art is pretty, I find all the elements are not very distinct from one another, and the whole outfit blends in with other elements, in spite of the vastly different colors. I think it's how the shadows are done.

I really like her hair and how it's swirly :3

Sure, she would be easier to draw at least. Characters with elaborate design are taking a hell of a time to draw, look at the original Scarlet Witch costume, it's very plain. Zatanna's a bit harder, but it's very plain corset, plain boots, plain trousers/panties. Just think about design a bit more :slight_smile:

I have a question, what do you think of the design regarding its own merit?

For my world, it's a fantasy kitchen sink like Marvel/DC. I've laid out a system of how different characters look, and how far I can take it while maintaining internal logic. It's fun to see how different I can make characters look while adhering to it.

Here it goes:

  • Peak humans and physical normals dress in the most practical manner possible, favoring gear and clothes that benefit them in combat.
  • Speedsters wear running shoes and often have goggles just to make sure their eyes are alright.
  • Mages (like the one above) dress in fancier and more stylish clothing, as it befits them and they can manage it.
  • Tech-users often have, well, technology on them, ranging from power armor to various gadgets.
  • Those with greater powers often wear clothes the lower ones couldn't do, such as more elaborate costumes for the men and sexy costumes for the ladies.

I love costumes that are cool and/or sexy, but I also like it to fit each character as something they would wear and can reasonable do so.

For a main character her design is a bit complex. As a main character, she's going to be drawn a lot, so ideally you'll want to keep it simple for the artist's benefit.

There's a lot of Scarlet Witch in her with the colors and hair and how her energy works. That's not a bad thing, but people will keep comparing her to the Scarlet Witch. Maybe give her a different color? Green maybe?

The interdimensional being thing doesn't really come through. Maybe change her to look a bit more like a Dr. Strange character? It's hard to have an interdimensional being dress like an urban wizard and still get the interdimensional thing across because there's tension between those concepts. Urban means mundane, city clothes, and that's not exactly alien.

What's she like personality wise? Zatanna has the magic performer thing and the Zatara legacy thing. Wanda has hard to control chaos magic and a million love triangles. What's Astra's deal?