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Sep 2020

we all need Instagram followers I will follow you if you follow me let encourage each other to grow and create comics :slight_smile: I am new to digital art. I started this journey a year ago. My reason to create my comics is to make Christianity more appealing to the children teen and young adult by created a story that illustrates spiritual warfare in my own unique perspective. the traditional preaching in the church can get really repetitive and I decided to create something that is different and unique than just preaching :slight_smile: Tell me what you guys think all comments are welcome even if you are not a Christian I hope you read it and enjoy. here's a link to my comic and IG if you're interested. IG @webcomicbook_artist


  • created

    Sep '20
  • last reply

    Jul '24
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I like the concept you have going for your comic. personally I have a novel I'm working on, but I'd still love to get in on some more followers, it's still pretty new. I post art on IG as well as other things, so it isn't just text.
my IG is @zorianna.17 plus the link for my novel as well.

I like what you're going for with your comic, and the themes you aim to target. The process of gaining much attraction can be tough, especially when everyone and their grandparents knows how to draw digitally these days :laughing:.

Anywho, my Instagram follower count has been dry for months, so feel free:


And then the link to my comics:

21 days later

Sure thing :slight_smile: IG @jcm_sketchbook

That's cool! Mine's @krinmuart
and here's my comic

I've got over 2000 high quality photos (often ten photos per posting so be sure to swipe left)--

And here's my series, choose your flavor ...

(the fantasy one, 150 pages, won "Outstanding Achievement" award for screenplay category just yesterday)

Subscribe, Like and Share. Please and Thanks!

I looked at your comic? Particularly the character design of your bosses. I saw some symbolism design elements on your characters that I don't think makes much sense and here is why: On lucifer, you depicted the star of David and a dream catcher. The placement of these elements feel under researched, and could be viewed as upsetting to some people. (And i want you to do the best you can, without having any kind of backlash) Underneath I have some info about the symbols to show you what i mean, but read whenever you are up to it. (the book im am referencing is free to download of the internet if you are interested in reading more, as it covers many cultures and practices) Ideally this character is the only one have have a design issue with, because it did kinda of erk me at first, especially because I work with a lot of symbolism in my comic, and incorporate meaning with them. And well, there was a lot of conflicting meanings in that design.

 According to the Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols

the Dreamcatcher was a Native American spider’s web of feathers and beads, a simple little charm made from a small hoop of flexible wood, such as willow, with an interlacement of plant fibers designed to look like a cobweb. This little amulet was used particularly as a protection for babies and small children. Hung over their cradles and beds, it was thought to entrap any negative spirits that came in the form of nightmares. These malevolent entities, entangled in the web, were sizzled in the heat from the rising Sun. The spider’s-web shape gave homage to Asibikaasi, the mythical Spider Woman, whose magical webs could catch anything. The elaborate Dreamcatchers of today, an essential part of the kit for any self-respecting New Ager, were invented in the 1960s and ’70s as part of the resurgence in Native American culture and belief. I found it interesting that you chose to add this design to an evil creature, when it is a protection charm from evil.
Next we are going to move onto the star of David, seal of Solomon. The star of David is a symbol of the Jewish faith—when it is also known as the Shield of David or the Magen David—only gained common use as recently as 1897. During the Nazi persecution of the Jewish people, stars made of yellow cloth were attached to their clothes. Although it had been intended to be a symbol of persecution, after the war this skewed meaning of the symbol was itself flipped over, and took on the opposite meaning, becoming a badge of honor and pride. (there is actually much more info on this, but I don't want to post a chapter)

So I have 2 instagram pages one for my personal art and another for my comic.


Wow... Those were pretty interesting stories...

Well, I do need insta followers ( i have none :laughing:}

my insta account : https://www.instagram.com/comicwriting_arieso/

This is my story!!! Hope you like it...

Cute thread! Here's my comic

and my Instagram is @sapphire_andice !!