45 / 48
Aug 2020

It's entirely up to you to chose what path you take but there's also Medibang's ArtStreet platform that supports traditional format comics as well as manga

Thank you. it was just a thought idk what im gonna do just wanted some public feedback

I've been wanting something like that: a manga equivalent site to Webtoons/Tapas. As somebody who working on a manga and converting it to a webtoon format, I feel like the storytelling methods are completely between the two. With manga and traditional comics, there is a lot of attention to the pagination. Pagination is the placement of pages to allow for flow and story telling. You would have to consider the last panel of the spread and think about how to a) entice readers to turn the page and b) how does turning the page impact the feeling of the next panel. It creates for some dynamic moments, comedic moments, or suspenseful moments.

That said, webtoons/tapas format benefits from it's own method of story telling. Since the comic is in a scrolling format, it's more suited for scene by scene storytelling similar to that of a storyboard. It allows for movement in the scene and works for formats that involves a lot of movement.

While I wish there was a site for manga in the same vein as webcomics, I feel like it may be a difficult endeavor. For one thing, manga format stories are a bit of a niche. Webtoons is a popular format due to it's accessability; you can read it from your desktop or your phone. Manga format does not translate well to a smaller screen so it will be difficult to capture as large of an audience.

Hi folks, figured I'd chime in here...

Hey there! There is a platform that's made exactly for that - I built it, it's called GlobalComix. Take a look: https://globalcomix.com/publish23

Indeed. On GlobalComix, anyone can monetize, and you can even choose between supporter / donation style and paywall for your content. As an author, you can enable forums specifically for each of your comics and manage moderators.

This is also partially how our suggested titles works :slight_smile:

Indeed :smiley: You really should check out GlobalComix if this type of tooling is what you're looking for.

We'd like to welcome you onboard :slight_smile: Wanna give it a spin? https://globalcomix.com/publish23

We solved that on GlobalComix with our "interactive reading" mode -- a tool for creators to set up panel-to-panel reading experience that auto-zooms and pans on both desktop and mobile. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2XKL7QAEmE2

You can test it out on @Cavechan comic here: https://globalcomix.com/c/true-power-ms2/chapters/en/67/1/15

gosh that's a nice platform.

I want to build something like this but I'm not a programmer : ))

Thank you! It took quite a lot of work and time to build :slight_smile:

Yeah, if you do, I'd publish my comic there as well! It would be a really good idea.

There's always a benefit in getting in on the ground floor on new apps and websites, but I wouldn't call tapas a popularity contest by any means. The features now are far more inclusive than they were a year ago--even browsing the site, you see staff and community picks right at the top, and then between their premium series (you know, the comics that make them the money so the site can exist) there are even more free-to-read collections.

I haven't heard anything about GlobalComix but it does seem to be what you're looking for. A much smaller platform on which to build a small audience and not be buried by 50,000+ other creators posting and updating their stuff at the same time. :slight_smile:

Should see my posts above :slight_smile:

Well, we had a lot of time to get things right :slight_smile: A huge amount of the tooling we offer were all directly requested from the community itself!

If you don't mind me asking a few questions,
how big is the reader base on this site? & what would you say it's biggest strengths/weaknesses are? (along with it being manga focused as a huge strength) It seems like a pretty nice site but I haven't heard of it before so I'm pretty curious

Not at all. While I can't go into the exact specifics, at this time there's 15k+ monthly users spread out across our content. The biggest strengths are in the ridiculously powerful and advanced tooling + analytics we provide to creators, and the biggest weakness is that we're relatively new so it takes time to build readership.

thank you for responding! I'll definitely check this place out a little later

While I generally don't discuss fundraising in public, we secured a round from some strategically aligned angels who share our vision and values at the start of the year. Marketing is part of our agenda :slight_smile:

You really do have a cool platform but marketing and content are the main challenges.

No lie. The good news is that I've just finished building up our team to be able to tackle it. The latter part of 2020 is looking good on that front :slight_smile:

I do like that idea. Tho one thing concerns me. I feel like if that site were to open, many manga-inspired comics would come in. I wouldnt consider those manga. Sure they can copy the style, the face, and so on, but it wouldnt look authentic. Of course there are exceptions but i aint talking bout em. To what extent would you consider a style manga?